Volunteer Coordinator Training

Five core competencies serve as a foundation for the profession of volunteer administration, regardless of where or how it is practiced. These competencies are ethics, organizational management, human resource management, accountability and leadership/advocacy. Ethics refers to the commitment to following moral principles. Organizational management for a volunteer coordinator means strategically placing volunteers where they can best further the goals of the organization, while human resource management refers to the recruitment, training and management of volunteers. Accountability includes reporting on the use of volunteer resources to stakeholders in the organization. Leadership and advocacy includes furthering strategic goals and advocating for the roles and needs of volunteers within the organization.


To support Voluntary Organisations in their work, the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector had earlier this year launched its first training programme consisting of six sessions addressing the needs and concerns of most of you in running your organisation and the volunteers.

The sessions shall be as follows:

  1. Public Speaking, Communications and Campaigning – on the 23rd June
  2. Networking, sharing best practice and ideas – on the 14th  July
  3. Values, ethics and principles of operating a ‘service’ – on the 1st September
  4. Sustainability & Fundraising techniques – on the 15th  September
  5. Managing Volunteers and staff (including recruitment, appraisal, training etc.) – on the 13th  October
  6. Governance – Finance and Legal – on the 17th  November

The first three sessions have already beemn carried out successfully.  The fourth session for circumstances beyond the control of MCVS has to be re-scheduled.

We are inviting interested participants for the coming session to be held on the 13th October to contact us for there are still a number of places available. All sessions are held on Saturdays between 10.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. Theses training sessions will be delivered by various experts in the respective topics.  The Venue of these sessions shall be at the EIE Institute of Education, Tal- Balal Road, San Gwann SGN 9014. Individuals can attend one or more of the sessions.


Members of Voluntary Organisations enrolled with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations attend for free!


Members of Voluntary Organisations which are not enrolled with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations pay a participation fee of €20 per session.



Applications are to be filled up and sent to MCVS by not later than the Wednesday prior to the specific training session.


For more information contact us on mcvs.meef@gov.mt