‘Serenading Strings’ for Valentine’s – The Gaulitanus Choir

7 Feb 2021 - 19:30

San Lawrenz, Gozo



‘Serenading Strings’ for Valentine’s

The Gaulitanus Choir will be organising yet another public fully Covid-complaint event. Entitled ‘Serenading Strings’ this will feature the Gaulitanus String Orchestra, made up of some of the top string players in Malta led by Marcelline Agius. Colin Attard conducts and artistically directs.

This quality event of classical music is specifically conceived for Valentine’s. Hence, a very enjoyable secular repertoire fit for the occasion will be presented, amongst which Elgar’s famous and very romantic Serenade for Strings.

The concert, supported by the Cultural Heritage Directorate within the Ministry for Gozo, will be held at the Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz on Sunday, 7th February 2021 at 19.30hrs. Entrance is free with limited seating available. In view of this, reservations via gaulitanus@gmail.com are required, with the full contact details provided.

Indeed, while all current health and safety measures issued by the Health Authorities will be rigidly observed, the Gaulitanus Choir, also through this concert, aims to keep live performing going in a most responsible way – thus also offering ‘respite’ to the art-loving community.





‘Serenading Strings’ ghal San Valentinu

Il-Kor Gaulitanus se jtella’ kuncert iehor pubbliku mfassal skont l-esigenzi tal-pandemija. Fil-fatt se jorganizza ‘Serenading Strings’ – kuncert mahsub propju ghal San Valentinu li fih se tindaqq ghazla ta’ muzika klassika addattata ghall-okkazjoni, fosthom il-famuza ‘Serenade for Strings’ ta’ Edward Elgar.

Dawn se jigu esegwiti mill-‘Gaulitanus String Orchestra’, maghmula minn uhud mill-aqwa muzicisti f’pajjizna u mmexxija minn Marcelline Agius, taht id-direzzjoni ta’ Colin Attard, li ghandu f’idejh ukoll id-direzzjoni artistika.

Il-kuncert, li hu ssapportjat mill-Cultural Heritage Directorate tal-Ministeru ghal-Ghawdex, se jsir fil- Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz nhar il-Hadd, 7 ta’ Frar 2021 fis-7.30pm.

Ghal dal-kuncert se jigu osservati rigidament il-mizuri kollha ta’ sahha pubblika stabbiliti mill-awtoritajiet tas-Sahha Pubblika. Filwaqt li d-dhul hu b’xejn, il-postijiet se jkunu limitati hafna. Ghaldaqstant hu mehtieg li wiehed jibbukkja fuq gaulitanus@gmail.com, fejn wiehed anke jaghti d-dettalji tieghu.

Permezz ta’ dan il-kuncert, il-Kor Gaulitanus se jkompli jipprommovi l-kuncert fizici pero b’responsabbilita’ assoluta, biex b’hekk jkun qieghed joffri alternattiva kulturali lill-kommunita li thobb l-arti.



Serenading Strings – Poster jpg