Gaulitana: A Festival of Music – Gaulitanus Choir

5 Oct 2021 - 20:00


English version:


Following two very successful virtual series, the ‘abnormal’ 14th edition of Gaulitana: A Festival of Music is being brought to an end with a series of live public events in Gozo. In full compliance with the health and safety regulations issued by the health authorities, “GauLive” is being scheduled between September 10 and October 9, and intends to give some much-needed breath to live yet safe performing.


This series opens on Friday, September 10, with a quite atypical concert at the Ministry for Gozo’s Courtyard. Entitled “Nostalġija”, this features the Gaulitanus Choir, its soprano soloists, Anna Bonello, Patricia Buttigieg, Stephanie Portelli and Annabelle Zammit, violinist Pierre Louis Attard and pianist Milica Lawrence in a number of Maltese compositions ingrained in local traditions. Amongst others, these include Joseph Vella’s “Rapsodija Maltija”, Stephen Attard’s “Żewġ Għanjiet minn Għawdex”, Charles Camilleri’s “Hames Kanti Popolari” and Carmelo Pace’s very well-known “L-Imnarja”.

The second concert is a world-class event. Internationally-renowned musician Wayne Marshall will be giving a much-expected organ recital in Gozo for the first time. This will be held at the Xewkija Rotunda on Saturday, September 18.


A week later, Friday 24, sees the Armed Forces of Malta Band returning with a public concert in Gozo after a long absence. Under the direction of Captain Jonathan Borg, they will present a very varied open-air concert again at the Ministry for Gozo’s Courtyard.


The Gaulitanus Choir itself is back on Saturday October 2 with a wholly choral concert of sacred music, “Songs of Praise”. The occasion is a unique one as the choir will be interpreting numbers in the English language specifically arranged for the choir (mostly by its founder-director Colin Attard) over the years and, so far, interpreted only by the Gaulitanus Choir.


The last week of the festival then features two concerts, both linked with the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra. An MPO’s chamber ensemble will give a very intimate concert on Tuesday, October 5, whereas the whole orchestra will be in attendance for the symphonic finale on Saturday, October 9.  The latter, being held at the Teatru tal-Opra Aurora, will be the MPO’s first full-scale appearance in Gozo since 2019. Conducted by Gaulitana artistic director, Colin Attard, the main item will be Beethoven majestic Symphony No. 3, the “Eroica”. This will not only, finally albeit forcibly belatedly, commemorate Beethoven 250th birth celebrations, but also provide a fitting tribute to all who has played their part during the past very challenging year and a half. Not least, it will be a most fitting close to a 14th edition of “Gaulitana: A Festival of Music”, which, despite all odds and let downs, has heroically and stoically made sure not to miss being very present in 2021.



All concerts start at 20.00hrs.

Further information will be found on the facebook page Gaulitana: A Festival of Music and The limited seating is strictly by reservation on .

Gaulitana: A Festival of Music is principally supported by the Gozo Cultural Support Programme of Arts Council Malta and the Ministry for Gozo.


Verzjoni bil-Malti:


Wara s-success ta’ zewg sensiliet ta’ kuncerti virtwali, l-14-il edizzjoni tal-festival Gaulitana se tigi fi tmiemha b’sensiela ta’ attivitajiet pubblici f’Ghawdex.  “GauLive” se tinzamm bejn l-10 ta’ Settembru u d-9 ta’ Ottubru bil-hsieb li taghti nifs tant mixtieq ghall-kuncerti ‘live’, dejjem konformi mar-regolamenti mahruga mid-Dipartiment tas-Sahha.

Din is-sensiela se tiftah nhar il-Gimgha 10 ta’ Settembru b’kuncert li se jsir fil-bitha tal-Ministeru ghal Ghawdex.  F’dan il-kuncert bl-isem ta’ “Nostalġija” se jiehu sehem il-Kor Gaulitanus flimkien mas-solisti tal-kor Anna Bonello, Patricia Buttigieg, Stephanie Portelli u Annabelle Zammit, il-vjolinista Pierre Louis Attard u l-pjanista Millica Lawrence.  Dawn se jinterpretaw diversi xoghlijiet Maltin bi skond karetteristiku Malti, fosthom “Rapsodija Maltija” ta’ Joseph Vella,  “Zewg Ghanjiet minn Ghawdex” ta’ Stephen Attard, “Hames Kanti Popolari” ta’ Charles Camilleri u l-komposizzjoni maghrufa “L-Imnarja” ta’ Caarmelo Pace.

It-tieni kuncert se jkun avveniment ta’ klassi mondjali.  Il-muzicista ta’ fama kbira nternazzjonali Wayne Marshall se jaghti kuncert tal-orgni tant mistenni f’Ghawdex ghall-ewwel darba.  Dan se jsir fil-knisja tax-Xewkija nhar is-Sibt, 18 ta’ Sttembru.

Gimgha wara, jigifieri nhar il-Gimgha 24 ta’ Settembru, wara assenza twila, il-Banda tal-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta se tkun qed taghti kuncert f’Ghawdex.  Il-Banda, taht id-direzzjoni tal-Kaptan Jonathan Borg se tipprezenta kuncert varjat fl-apert ghall-darba ohra fil-bitha tal-Ministeru ghal Ghawdex.

Il-Kor Gaulitanus se jirritorna b’kuncert iehor nhar is-Sibt 2 t’Ottubru b’repertorju ta’ muzika sagra bl-isem “Songs of Praise”.  F’din l-okkazjoni unika l-kor se jinterpreta diversi xoghlijiet bl-Ingliz b’arrangamenti maghmula specifikament ghalih matul is-snin, il-bicca l-kbira minnhom mis-Surmast Direttur tal-kor Colin Attard.

Matul l-ahhar gimgha tal-festival se jinzammu zewg kuncerti, it-tnejn b’konnessjoni mal-Orkestra Filarmonika ta’ Malta.  L-ewwel wiehed se jkun minn ‘chamber ensemble’ mill-istess orkestra  nhar it-Tlieta, 5 t’Ottubru , filwaqt li l-orkestra shiha se tkun qed tipprezenta kuncert sinfoniku finali nhar is-Sibt 9 t’Ottubru. B’dan l-ahhar kuncert, l-Orkestra Filarmonika ta’ Malta se tkun qed tidher ghall-ewwel darba f’Ghawdex sa mis-sena 2019.  L-orkestra se tkun taht id-direzzjoni tad-direttur artistiku tal-festival Gaulitana, Colin Attard, u l-bicca xoghol principali se tkun il-famuza Sinfonija Nru 3 ta’ Beethoven, l-“Eroica”.  Dan ix-xoghol mhux biss se jfakkar il-250 anniversarju mit-twelid ta’ Beethoven, ghalkemm tard, izda wkoll se sservi ta’ tribut ghal dawk kollha li taw sehemhom matul l-ahhar sena u nofs tal-pandemija.  Fl-ahhar, izda mhux l-inqas, din se jgib fi tmiem dinjituz l-14 il-edizzjoni ta’ “Gaulitana :A Festival of Music”, li minkejja d-diffikultajiet kollha, gie mtella’ anke fis-sena 2021.


Il-kuncerti kollha jibdew fit-8.00p.m. 

Aktar informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb fuq il-pagna facebook Gaulitana: A Festival of Music u  Il-postijiet huma limitati u jridu jigu rriservati fuq  

Gaulitana: A Festival of Music hu mtella’ bil-ghajnuna tal-Gozo Cultural Support Programme tal-Kunsill Malti ghall-Arti u l-Ministeru ghal Ghawdex.