Gaulitana Festival continues with the ‘A Cappella Live’ series

4 Dec 2022 - 19:30

‘A Cappella Live’, the second phase of the atypical 15th edition of Gaulitana: A Festival of Music, is being held from the 20th November till the 4th December. Five very contrasting chamber concerts are being held on Sundays and Wednesdays in intimate sacred spaces in different localities in Gozo.


The final concert, on Sunday December 4th, features the Gaulitanus String Orchestra led by Marcelline Agius and conducted by the festival’s artistic director Colin Attard. ‘A String Finale’, being held at Għajnsielem’s St Anthony of Padua Church presents a very enjoyable repertoire for strings which will surely provide a fitting ending to the ‘A Cappella Live’ series.

Entrance to all the concerts is free and no reservations are required. The evening concerts start at 19:30hrs.


The EFFE-labelled festival, which is organised by the Gaulitanus Choir, is supported by the ICOG programme of Arts Council Malta and the Ministry for Gozo, and also finds the collaboration of the various local councils where the concerts are being held. ǀ


Il-Festival Gaulitana jkompli bis-serje ‘A Cappella Live’

‘A Cappella Live’, it-tieni fazi fil-15-il-edizzjoni u atipika ta’ Gaulitana: A Festival of Music, se tittella’ bejn l-20 ta’ Novembru u l-4 ta’ Dicembru. Hames kuncerti ‘chamber’ se jsiru fil-Hdud u l-Erbghatt fi spazji sagri ntimi f’lokalitajiet diversi f’Ghawdex.


Il-kuncert finali, nhar il-Hadd 4 ta’ Dicembru, se jinghata mill-Gaulitanus String Orchestra immexxija minn Marcelline Agius taht id-drezzjoni tad-direttur artistiku tal-festival Colin Attard. ‘A String Finale’, li se jsir fil-knisja ta’ Sant’Antnin, Għajnsielem, se jipprezenta repertorju pjacevoli li jiggarentixxi gheluq mil-isbah li-serje ‘A Cappella Live’.

Id-dhul ghall-kuncerti hu b’xejn u m’hemmx htiega ta’ riservazzjoni. Il-kuncerti a’filghaxija jibdew fis-7:30pm.


‘Gaulitana: A Festival of Music’, li hu organizzat mil-Kor Gaulitanus, hu recipjent tal-label prestiggjux EFFE tal-“European Festivals Association” u hu ssaportjat principalment mill-iskema ICOG tal-Arts Council Malta u l-Ministeru ghal Ghawdex. Is-serje ‘A Cappella Live’ se jkollha l-kollaboirazzjoni ad-diversi Kunsilli Lokali li fihom se jitttellghu l-kuncerti. ǀ