Outdoor Artists

Outdoor Artists is a non-profit organisation set up in October 2012. The organisation works on the promotion of culture and the arts. Such promotion is done by creating short artistic events around the islands and expose creativity to the general public. Our aim as an organisation is to expose creative writers, visual artists, musicians and […]

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VOCA Choir

a) Promoting the presentation of spiritual, gospel and other music. b) Acting as a venue to artist composing and/or arranging music. c) Conducting, promoting or encouraging the presenting of workshops for developing singers and musicians. d) The propagation and enhancement of music, its styles and its artist. […]

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Fragmenta is a platform for presenting contemporary art in the form of pop-up exhibitions in public or semi-public spaces on the Maltese Islands. As a project space without a physical space, Fragmenta’s mission is to offer experiences in the form of artistic events, which happen in different locations in and around Malta, lasting for a […]

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L-Għanja tal-Poplu

L-għanijiet tal-Għanja tal-Poplu (a) li jġib ’il quddiem il-kanzunetta Maltija ta’ kwalità; (b) li joħloq opportunità biex il-kompożituri u l-awturi jwasslu l-kanzunetta tagħhom lill-pubbliku Malti; (ċ) li jkompli jgħin lill-artisti Maltin anke wara l-festival biex isibu udjenza dejjem ikbar għall-kanzunetta tagħhom. […]

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