As a member organisation of CEV (Centre for European Volunteering), MCVS has been awarded a sub-grant as part of the VERA 2023 project. VERA is a project by the Capital of European Volunteering promoting strategies for volunteering, Equality, Rights and Action.
Grant amount: €15,000
Project duration: 1 May 2023 – 10 December 2023
The overall aim of the subgrants, made possible through the EU CERV fund allocated to CEV as part of a Framework Partnership Agreement, was to build capacity in the volunteering sector to advance gender equality and tackle multiple and intersecting discrimination, involving the full diversity of genders and other discriminating factors.
MCVS has participated in the ‘Volunteering’ key action – which involved research to determine the status of inclusivity within the voluntary sector. MCVS was be able to conduct nation-wide research to determine the diverse volunteer profiles of individuals participating in community and volunteering activities in Malta. MCVS was able to collect data to establish which notions within the local voluntary sector hinder inclusion and diversity. This research is the first of its kind with regards inclusion and volunteering in Malta and is establishing the bar for future progression of the sector.
This research would not have been successful without the collaboration of countless voluntary organisations and volunteers. MCVS would like to thank anyone who has contributed to the research in any shape or form. We would also like to thank Professor Suzanne Gatt who has diligently and proficiently planned for the data collection and has indicated in extensive detail all the valuable research findings outlined in the final report.
Output: VERA National Research – Research on Discrimination in the Voluntary Sector in Malta Research Findings available here.
Researcher: Prof Suzanne Gatt