Project coordinator
Centre for European Volunteering – CEV
Project partners
Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu W Gdańsku
ProAtlântico Associação Juvenil
Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS)
About the project
Combating Loneliness & Isolation with Volunteers in Europe (CLIVE) is a project funded by the European Solidarity Corps Programme that aims to combat the increasing loneliness that has emerged as a result of Covid lockdowns. Through combatting this loneliness, CLIVE aims to reverse the negative effects that prolonged isolation has had on social cohesion and people’s mental health. The project specifically aims to reverse this trend among groups who have been most affected by lockdown loneliness.
The project will positively affect the lives of the target groups as in their mental health as well as their social cohesion, lead to target groups experiencing new connections and forming positive social relationships, lead to target groups being able to identify their negative feelings and situations as well as knowing how to resolve them and boost social cohesion by integrating the target groups into the wider community.
Project CLIVE in Malta
Dates: 24th May – 6th June 2023
Activities: Volunteers organised a number of workshops related to the use of technology (e.g. how to order groceries online/how to use WhatsApp or Skype) combined with music and art workshops which will promote active ageing.