Capacity building Sessions

Capacity building Sessions

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector is hosting a variety of capacity building sessions for the year 2025. These sessions are aimed at administrators and managing members of voluntary organisations to gain basic skillsets related to the management of voluntary organisations. These training sessions are being funded by MCVS in order to support organisations to expand and elevate their capacity as a voluntary organisation.

Additional details;

  • Sessions are offered free of charge to voluntary organisations
  • Voluntary organisations can apply for up to 2 volunteers
  • MCVS issues the applications for each training session on the News Alert and social media pages, approximately 3 weeks before the session dates.
  • Places are limited and applications will be closed once all spots are filled
  • Location and time of the sessions change according to availability. Please ensure to read application carefully
  • VOs are invited to email us with their queries, remarks, suggestions and requests on

Please see below with regards to the tentative dates for the capacity building sessions of 2025.