Malta Actuarial Society

–          Provide facilities for the discussion of actuarial matters and the inculcation of the principles of sound actuarial practice; –          Assist those studying for their professional actuarial examinations; –          Promote the advancement of the actuarial profession in Malta.     […]

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Soċjetà Agrarja

L-għan tas-Soċjetà Agrarja, mwaqqfa fl-1844, hu li tgħin fil-progress fil-qasam Agrikolu ta’ Pajjiżna. Is-soċjetà hija ghaqda mhux governattiva, filantropika, volontarja u ma tagħmilx qligħ. […]

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Friends of the Earth Malta

Friends of the Earth Malta has been active in the environmental field in Malta since 1985, and is part of the World’s largest grassroots environmental network. We campaign on some of today’s most pressing environmental and social issues, by engaging the public directly through a wide range of diverse projects and activities. Friends of the Earth […]

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Why Not?

hy Not’s Mission is to Raise The Vibration Of Our Planet! Awareness of Self in the Present Moment… Is the key! We address this in fun-tangible ways that all people can relate to. We have created and are constantly nurturing a steady platform on which Individuals, Groups or Organisations are freely offered the opportunity to […]

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