Malta Medical Students’ Association (MMSA)

The Malta Medical Students’ Association is a non-governmental, non-political student organisation that was established in 1951. “Our mission is to enhance the education of future medical professionals through enforcing active participation in their teaching system, organizing international exchanges and implementing training in the various fields of the public health sector. We also aim at empowering the Maltese society, […]

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Malta Association Of Crohn’s & Colitis

MACC is a registered (VO/ 379) non-profit-making organisation which supports the needs of patients suffering from Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis. MACC aims to offer support and information to persons and relatives of persons suffering from Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, and to promote public awareness about these two chronic conditions. MACC strives to help patients […]

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Geriatric Medicine Society of Malta

The society is committed to improving the health and well-being of older persons.  It is a non-profit and autonomous organisation for physicians working with, and dedicated to the provision of quality healthcare for, older persons. The Society aims to provide leadership for professionals and aids efforts in developing, implementing and advocating programs in patient care, […]

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Puttinu Cares Foundation

AIMS of the group: To advocate on behalf of affected children and their families by representing their needs; To campaign for the provision of a coordinated network of care and support; To promote models of good care and practice; To support families with a national information service; To enhance the knowledge and skills of professional […]

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