Fondazzjoni Nanniet Malta

The grandparents foundation was created primarily to encourage our grandchildren to keep caring for their parents and their grandparents, in appreciation and cherishing the love and wisdom they received from their grandparents. The foundation will strive to create a hub of love and friendship, where all grandparents (widows and widowers; separated or divorced; isolated and […]

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Drachma is a space open to all persons of good will who seek sexual and spiritual integration. It includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and intersex persons, as well as friends of LGBTI persons who wish to meet to pray together and explore the intersections between sexuality, gender, gender identity, faith, spirituality and religion. It also […]

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Malta Sociological Association

The MSA is a non-profit making organisation. It is a non-commercial entity, which aims to develop and promote sociological knowledge. The Association promotes sociological research and contributes toward facilitating the cooperation of people working within the sociological field. It also aims at understanding and analysing social problems for the improvement of the quality of life. […]

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Guatemalta Foundation

The Foundation has the following objectives: To promote social justice and community advancement by offering solidarity and sustainable projects to the poorest in Guatemala, with the aim of relieving poverty and suffering; To provide support and information to persons/groups travelling to Guatemala on a voluntary experience in aid of Fr Anton Grech’s mission; To raise […]

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LifeNetwork Foundation Malta

The Mission Statement of the Foundation is to endorse value to human life from conception to natural death, and in particular to: address all life, marriage, and family issues founded on Catholic principles of morality and social justice which includes love and respect for every human person regardless of his or her beliefs; […]

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