MCVS CEO elected on CEV Board of Directors

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector is proud to announce that Mr Mauro Pace Parascandalo, CEO MCVS, was elected on the Board of Directors of the Centre for European Volunteering (CEV) during the General Assembly held in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Mr Pace Parascandalo expressed his satisfaction for this new appointment, which he looks forward to […]

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J.O.Y.S. workshop on exploring self and building bonds

📢📢📢 Last Saturday MCVS held a workshop on exploring self and building bonds, the first part of the self-development programme J.O.Y.S.(Journey of Youth Self-Development held in collaboration with Collectif pour un service civique européen and Right 2 Smile). ℹ➡️ Participants were youth volunteers actively helping out in the community and/or are involved with a voluntary […]

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Jitħabbru d-dettalji tal-Premju Nazzjonali għall-Volontarjat 2023

Il-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat ħabbar it-tnedija tal-Premju Nazzjonali għall-Volontarjat. L-għan ta’ din l-inizjattiva hi li tagħti rikonoxximent lil persuni u għaqdiet li jiddistingwu ruħhom fis-settur, fejn bil-kontribuzzjonijiet tagħhom jagħmlu soċjetà aħjar. Il-Ministru għall-Inklużjoni, il-Volontarjat u d-Drittijiet tal-Konsumatur Julia Farrugia Portelli ddeskriviet dawn il-premjijiet bħala “vetrina ta’ role models, persuni ta’ ispirazzjoni għall-bqija tal-komunitajiet tagħna li […]

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MCVS MaltaPost First Day Cover – for sale

MCVS 15th Anniversary – MaltaPost First Day Cover Limited copies are available for sale on a first-come, first-served basis to the public from: – the MCVS Valletta Offices (Monday to Friday 8.30am-12.30pm) and the– Birkirkara Volunteer Support Centre (Tuesday 9am-6pm and Friday 7.30am-4.30pm as from 1st October 2023). Contact us for more information – […]

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15-il sena mit-twaqqif tal-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat

Bolol kommemorattivi mill-MaltaPost f’għeluq 15-il sena Fl-okkażjoni tal-15-il sena mit-twaqqif tiegħu, il-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat (MCVS) nieda first-day cover u timbru kommemorattiv b’bolol speċjali li jagħtu ġieħ lix-xogħol tal-ħafna voluntiera u għaqdiet volontarji fis-soċjetà tagħna. Dawn il-bolol jiċċelebraw lid-diversi setturi differenti li fihom l-għaqdiet volontarji huma attivi, fosthom l-inklużjoni, l-arti, l-edukazzjoni u ambjent sostenibbli. Il-first-day […]

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VOPS information meetings

MCVS is organising two information meetings following the opening of the Voluntary Organisations Projects Scheme (VOPS) 2024. If you have any queries or wish to learn more about the fund, then we encourage you to apply for one of the upcoming information meetings. More information and to register for the meeting: VOPS guidelines and […]

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J.O.Y.S Programme for Youth Volunteers

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector, in collaboration with Right 2 Smile, is launching a self-development programme – J.O.Y.S (Journey of Youth Self-Development), as part of its commitment towards the voluntary sector. This programme is targeted for youth volunteers who are actively helping out in the community and/or are involved with a voluntary organisation […]

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Capacity Building Sessions – Mental health First Aid Courses

DescriptionThe Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector is collaborating with Richmond Foundation to provide a number of Mental Health First aid courses. Voluntary organisation members have the option to attend either a live or an online training course according to their preferences. Please find more details regarding the sessions below:    Content:In the Mental Health […]

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