Mr. Edward Gruppetta is the president of the Malta Red Cross Society with over 25 years of voluntary experience within the society. He chairs the First Aid Technical Committee, holds a European license of master instructor and is a member within the First Aid European Education Network (FAEEN). He has represented the society in a number of European conferences and meetings, and formed part of a team of volunteers in Sri Lanka following the Tsunami. He is a medical diagnostic radiographer by profession, with a specialization in radiation protection. He has represented his workplace during various meetings, conferences and workshops organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and other international organisations. Author and co-author of a number of papers related to radiation protection and ethical issues published in international scientific journals.
A founder member of the Society of Medical Radiographers (Malta) and occupied various posts including that of treasurer, secretary and president. He has served as board member on the national regulatory council of Allied Health Professionals, CPCM, since 2001. Council member on the Malta Council for Volunteers Sector (MCVS), since 2014. As a workers’ representative he is also an advisor on the health and safety issues within a trade union. Married to Natalie and have two boys, Miguel and Neil.
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