23 Apr 2024 - 12:30
A Musical Journey
Escape the hustle and bustle of your day and indulge in a captivating lunchtime concert on Tuesday 23 April at Our Lady of Victory church, Valletta. This lunchtime concert organised by Barocco Foundation in collaboration with Din l-Art Ħelwa, starts at 12:30pm and features versatile mezzo soprano Claire Ghigo accompanied by talented pianist Amy Borg.
Immerse yourself in the charming sounds of Venice as the concert begins with three delightful pieces from Rossini’s La Regata Venezia, namely “Anzoleta avanti La Regata”, “Anzoleta co pasa La Regata” and “Anzoleta dopo la Regata”. The enchanting musical journey continues with Spanish folklore pieces from Garcia Lorca’s Españolas Antiguas; “Anda Jaleo” sets the stage with its rhythmic energy, followed by the graceful dance of the Andalusian tradition, “Sevillanas del Señora XVIII” and “Los Pelegrinitos” where we experience the a journey through the Spanish countryside. We conclude this segment with the haunting “Romance de Don Boyso”, a timeless ballad about love and loss and two iconic Spanish piece; “Zorongo” and “La Tarara”.
Having traversed the vibrant landscapes of Spain through music and melody, our journey now takes us across the seas to the verdant hills and misty moors of the United Kingdom. We begin with “Sprig of Thyme” by P. Granger, a poignant ballad that captures the moments of love, followed by the haunting strains of the timeless ballad “Scarborough Fair” by B. Britten. Concluding our exploration of British folk traditions with Haydn’s pastoral songs, “Shepherd Adonis” and “Shepherd Son”, evoking the rustic charm of the English countryside.
The Church of Our Lady of Victory, with its painted ceiling by baroque artist Alessio Erardi, is the first church of Valletta and a magnificent setting for the cultural events. It was built by Grand Master de Valette and the Order of St John after their victory in the Great Siege of 1565. It has been restored by Din l-Art Ħelwa, voluntary National Trust of Malta.
After the concert, patrons are invited for free to the cellar of the church to watch a short documentary about the building, history, and the restoration of this gem.
A Musical Journey: will be held at Our Lady of Victory church, Valletta on Tuesday 23 April 2024 at 12:30pm. Entrance to the concert is at a suggested donation of 10 euro. One can obtain the tickets prior to the concert from the venue itself or by email: baroccobookings@gmail.com or phone 79680952.