Changemakers – Inspirasia

13 Jun 2022 - 00:00

CHANGEMAKERS: Applications for the first local social impact TV show are open!

Closing Date: 13th June 2022

Applications to participate in Changemakers are now open on! Brought to you by Inspirasia Foundation and Greatt Ltd, Changemakers is a newly launched local TV show in which individuals and social purpose organisations could be awarded €100,000 in funding, as well as mentoring and other support to develop an initiative that positively impacts Malta.


Anyone who wishes to make a change and has a social initiative to put forward that will have a positive impact can apply to participate in CHANGEMAKERS. Applicants will be chosen to audition in front of a panel of judges, which will be broadcast on national TV over different programmes. Those handpicked during auditions will go through a mentoring phase with professionals to fine tune their initiative, with only six making it to the final round, where they will pitch their initiative on live TV, allowing the judges and all of Malta to vote for the winner. All programmes, including the live event, will be broadcast on local TV in October 2022.


For more information or to apply, visit or send an email to