Energy and Water Agency – Early leak detection System

12 Jul 2024 - 00:00

The Energy and Water Agency is looking to launch an initiative later on this month and the official announcement will take place later on this week
during the Minister Dalli’s Visit at the Banda Santa Marija & King Gorg V premises located in Mqabba.

This has been announced on the government gazette – 787

The rules for participation are attached to this email as well as the application form.

The main objective here is to enable Voluntary Organisations to install a water leak detecting setup by installing the setup in conjunction to the buildings water tank
and this will be used to detect changes in flow that leads to amenities that are used.
Savings related to resource and costs are the theme for this initiative, therefore enabling Voluntary Organisations to carry out their everyday operation more sustainable in addition to sparing unnecessary expenses.

The scope of this scheme is for The Voluntary Organisations to make use of this installation to detect any early-stage leaks and also be made aware that action needs to be taken.

Website page for scheme details and application:

Link to press release: