Informative Meeting – Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children)

28 May 2023 - 18:00

Data : 13 ta’ Mejju 2023


Stqarrija għall-Media

Prof. Edward Kruk f’Malta – four pillar approach

Għall-edukaturi u għall-pubbliku in ġenerali

biex tonqos l-ħsara tal-Parental Alienation


Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children) qed torganizza laqgħa fl-Auditorium fiċ-Ċentru Parrokkjali ta’ Ħ’Attard nhar il-Ħadd 28 ta’ Mejju bejn is-6pm-9pm. Il-kelliem ewlieni se jkun Prof. Edward Kruk, President tal-Kunsill Internazzjonali dwar Trobbija Konġunta.


Fl-ewwel parti tal-preżentazzjoni se janalizza s-sinjali u s-sintomi ta’ Parental Alienation, x’jiddistingwiha minn forma oħra ta’ vjolenza fil-familja u x’jikkonferma li hemm abbuż fuq it-tfal u fuq il-familja.

Fit-tieni parti Prof. Kruk se jitkellem dwar strateġiji kif għandna nikkumbattu u neliminaw Parental Alienation, u kif dan għandu jsir f’ 4 stadji : protezzjoni tat-tfal billi nintervjenu kmieni kemm jista’ jkun; prevenzjoni; fejqan; u għajnuna legali. Hi problema komplessa aggravata minn sistema legali inadekwata waqt separazzjoni fil-familja.

Għandna nindirizzaw dawn is-sitwazzjonijiet kemm fuq livell individwali kif ukoll b’mod sistemiku.

Prof. Kruk se jitkellem dwar (1) aljenazzjoni bħala forma ta’ abbuż fil-familja li tirrekjedi ġustizzja fil-qorti kriminali; (2) kif nagħrfu aljenazzjoni bħala abbuż fuq it-tfal  li jirrekjedi attenzjoni miċ-Child Protection Service; (3) prevenzjoni ta’ aljenazzjoni fejn għandha tiġi stabbilita trobbija konġunta bħala bażi tal-liġi tal-familja; u (4) terapija għal Parental Alienation skont l-aħjar prattiċi kemm legali u kemm dawk dwar is-saħħa mentali permezz ta’ programmi ta’ ri-unifikazzjoni tat-tfal mal-ġenituri, li jkunu ġew imċaħħda minn uliedhom inġustament.

Min hu interessat jattendi jista’ jibbukkja billi jibgħat email fuq jew b’sms fuq 77603330



Date: 13th May 2023

Press Release


Prof. Edward Kruk President of The International Council of Shared Parenting, in Malta

Recommending A Four Pillar Approach to Reducing the Harms of Parental Alienation.


Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children) is organising an informative meeting at the Auditorium Attard Parish Centre on Sunday 28th May between 6pm-9pm. The main speaker will be Prof. Edward Kruk who will elaborate on the Implications of Clinical and Empirical Research for Child and Family Law, Policy and Practice.


During the first half of his presentation, Prof. Kruk will examine the unique features of Parental Alienation, what sets it apart as a form of family violence, and what makes it a form of both child abuse and family violence. During the second half he will examine strategies for combatting and eliminating Parental Alienation, in which Prof. Kruk will outline a four pillar or four staged approach to addressing the problem: consisting of child protection intervention, prevention, treatment, and legal intervention. A multifaceted approach is needed to deal with this complex social problem created largely by adversarial legal systems of family separation. Our solutions need to be both individual and systemic, both micro and macro-level interventions. Prof. Kruk will discuss (1) recognition of Parental Alienation as a specific form of family violence, warranting a criminal justice response; (2) recognition of Parental Alienation as a specific form of child abuse, warranting a child protection response; (3) prevention of Parental Alienation, and establishing shared parental responsibility as the foundation of family law; and (4) treatment of Parental Alienation, including best practices in regard to legal and mental health intervention with targeted parents, and parent-child reunification programs.


Booking by email on :  or via sms to : 77603330


Prof. Edward Kruk  – Biography:


Edward Kruk, MSW, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Social Work at the University of British Columbia, Canada, specializing in child and family policy, who also practices therapeutic family mediation in Vancouver.  His recent research projects have focused on co-parenting after divorce, family mediation, and parental alienation.  He has over 40 years of clinical and community work experience as a professional social worker.  He received his BA and MSW degrees from the University of Toronto, and his doctorate from the University of Edinburgh, where he studied as a National Welfare Fellow.  His professional experience also includes a faculty appointment with the University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work, family practice with Catholic Family Services in Calgary, medical social work practice with the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh, school social work practice with the Metro Separate School Board in Toronto, and child protection work with the Metro and Catholic Children’s Aid Societies in Toronto.  He is author of “Divorce and Disengagement:  Patterns of Fatherhood Within and Beyond Marriage” (Fernwood, 1993), “Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services” (Nelson-Hall, 1997), “Divorced Fathers: Children’s Needs and Parental Responsibilities” (Fernwood, 2011), “The Equal Parent Presumption” (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013), and “The Routledge International Handbook of Shared Parenting and the Best Interest of the Child” (Routledge, 2021), and has published widely in a variety of academic and professional journals. He is the President of the International Council on Shared Parenting.


List of Books:


deTorres Perea, J.M., Kruk, E. & Ortiz-Tallo, M. (2021). The Routledge International Handbook of Shared Parenting and the Best Interest of the Child. London: Routledge.


Kruk, E.  (2013).  The Equal Parent Presumption:  Social Justice in the Legal Determination of Parenting After Divorce.  Montreal/Kingston:  McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Kruk, E.  (2011).  Divorced Fathers:  Children’s Needs and Parental Responsibilities,  Halifax:  Fernwood Publishing.


Kruk, E. (1997).  Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services. Chicago:  Nelson-Hall.


Kruk, E. (1993).  Divorce and Disengagement:  Patterns of Fatherhood Within and Beyond Marriage, Halifax:  Fernwood Publishing.







Mary Gauci      Ivan Sammut     Anthony Cauchi

President          Secretary         Founder and PRO


Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children)

+356 99565730    77603330


Programme Prof. Kruk Lecture 28 May