TDM 2000 Malta – Project N.A.T.U.R.E.+2.0!

20 May 2024 - 00:00

Are you passionate about nurturing a sustainable future and keen to heighten awareness about environmental conservation?

Do you believe that uniting individuals from various cultures can enhance the development of eco-friendly habits in your community?

If these ideas resonate with you, then we’ve got an exhilarating initiative that perfectly matches your aspirations! Join us in Italy for Project N.A.T.U.R.E.+2.0!

Type: Preparatory Visit (15th April – 18th April) and Training Course (20th May – 28th May)

Topic: Nature and Environment

Where: Morfasso, Italy

Spots available: 1 participant for the preparatory visit and training course, and another 2 participants for the training course (25 – 35 years old)

Participating Countries: Italy, Spain, Greece, Estonia, Portugal, Finland, Turkey, Malta, Romania

Those chosen will be able to represent Malta in this project and collaborate with other like-minded people on activities involving circular economies and respect for nature and the environment through the arts and technology.

Accommodation and food at the venue are FULLY COVERED.

Travel costs amounting to €275 will be fully REIMBURSED.

How to Apply? Send an email titled: “Project N.A.T.U.R.E. +2.0” to TDM at and tell us why you’re interested in joining.

Find out more here: