VOPS 09.2022 CORE Platform | PROJECT CARBON GREEN | Hybrid Working Training

7 Dec 2022 - 15:00

Dear Owners, Directors & Managers CORE Platform would like to invite you all to join and take part in our 1st Hybrid Working Model Training sessions delivered by Intercultural Consultancy and Training on 7th December 15:00 via zoom. A series of 4 training sessions of 1.5 Hrs directed towards management roles, the use of hybrid working models, the value and constraints of hybrid working will be delivered free of charge between December 2022 and January 2023. We also encourage Owners, Directors & Managers to have employees follow the training sessions directed towards the employees.

Another series of 4 training sessions directed towards employees are delivered by Intercultural Consultancy and Training on 7th December 17:00 via zoom. A series of 4 training sessions of 1.5 Hrs directed towards the benefits responsibilities and value in the use of hybrid working models will be delivered free of charge between December 2022 and January 2023. This Program is funded by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector and will be available for anyone who is interested in learning more about hybrid working models. Both Civil Society, Governmental Entities & Business Entities The first two sessions will be delivered via Zoom.

Kindly register by following this link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScIFEf67gMjRO8XVYqGWGXFfUe33Us_oI__rdI8A2smGbo-jQ/viewform