Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme (VOPS)

  • What is a project?

A project is a temporary, goal-oriented initiative undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. It has a defined scope, timeline, resources, and objectives, often requiring the coordination of people, skills, and tasks.

  • How does the co-financing work?

The VOPS grant shall finance 80% of the project costs to the maximum of €20,000. The remaining 20% (the co-financing) must be covered by the beneficiary. For example, if requesting the maximum grant of €20,000, the total project budget must be at least €25,000, which includes €5,000 in co-financing.

  • Can the project be more than €25,000 if we cover the difference?

Yes, the total project budget may exceed €25,000. The VOPS grant will cover up to 80% of the project costs, with a maximum contribution of €20,000. The applicant must provide copies of the organisation’s main bank account statements TO demonstrate sufficient financial resources to cover the co-financing requirement.

  • Do I need quotes before applying?

Quotes are not required with the application form, but it is advisable to research and obtain accurate cost estimates to create a realistic budget for the application.

  • For Action 2, do I need to own the property?

The organisation must either own the property or have a leasing agreement for at least ten (10) calendar years from the date of the application.

  • For Action 3, what should the end result include?
  • Research Report or Paper: A detailed document outlining the research objectives, methodology, data analysis, and results.
  • Conclusions: Insights and interpretations drawn from the data that address the original research questions.
  • Recommendations: Suggestions for action or further research based on the findings.
  • Published Article: Results may be published in academic or professional journals or presented at conferences.
  • Practical Applications: Results might lead to new products, policies, or interventions.
  • Can I apply jointly with another VO?

Collaboration with other Voluntary Organisations is encouraged. However, the application form must be submitted by a single applicant, who will be fully responsible for the project.

  • I am organising a large event for my VO, am I eligible?

The event should be an outcome or final product of the project. However, only 20% of the financial budget can be allocated to event-related expenses.

  • I need to purchase equipment, am I eligible?

Purchasing equipment alone does not qualify as a project and will be deemed ineligible. However, if the equipment necessary for implementing the project, it is considered eligible for funding.

  • What does the timeline for payments look like?

The VOPS grant follows a lump sum (fixed amounts) approach. The total grant amount covers up to 80% of the project costs, with a maximum of €20,000. Payments are structured as follows:

  • 20% upon submission of a satisfactory Budget Breakdown and signing of the agreement.
    • 40% upon submission and verification of a satisfactory quarterly report.
    • 20% upon submission and verification of a satisfactory interim report.
    • The final 20% (depending on the total project amount) is provided upon project closure with submission of a satisfactory final report.
  • What paperwork do I need to submit?

Refer to the VOPS Documents Checklist at

  • Can I fundraise as part of the project?

Fundraising can be organised as separate events outside the main project. These events can support the organisation’s financial needs, including contributing to the co-financing requirement. However, such fundraising efforts are not part of the project itself.

  • Can I create a product and sell it?

Items or services funded by the project cannot be sold, used for fundraising events/ purposes, or charged for entry, registration, or any other fees.

  • What does a sustainable project mean?

A sustainable project ensures that its benefits continue after the initial grant expires. The organisation must develop a strategy to sustain project deliverables and benefits for at least two years after the funding period ends.

  • What does an innovative project mean?

An innovative project introduces new ideas, methods, or technologies to achieve its goals in a novel way. It typically includes:

Originality: Introducing new concepts or approaches distinct from existing solutions.

Creativity: Applying imaginative thinking to address problems or seize opportunities in unique ways.

Advancement: Pushing boundaries and advancing knowledge or practice in its field.

Problem-Solving: Providing effective solutions to existing challenges using innovative techniques.

Small Initiatives Support Scheme (SIS)

  • What does the timeline for payments look like?

The SIS grant follows a lump sum approach. The total grant amount covers project costs of up to €5,000. Payments are structured as follows:

  • 60% upon submission of a satisfactory Budget Breakdown and signing of the agreement.
  • 20% upon submission and verification of a satisfactory interim report.
  • The final balance (depending on the total project amount) is provided upon project closure with submission of a satisfactory final report.
  • Can my project be more than €5,000?

The maximum amount that can be requested through this fund is of €5,000, should this amount be exceeded the VO can co-finance itself. The applicant must provide copies of the organisation’s main bank account statements to demonstrate sufficient financial resources to cover the co-financing requirement.

  • What paperwork do I need to submit?

Refer to the SIS Documents Checklist at

  • I can’t see the submit button on the application, what do I do?

Double-check all entered data. Click “Validate” and “Save Changes” for each section. Ensure that progress bar on the left-hand side shows all the sections as complete by turning from red to green. The submit button should then appear at the bottom of the page.

  • How does the budget work?

The budget is a detailed breakdown of all expenses associated with the project. This cannot be changed without prior approval from the Official acting on behalf of the scheme.

  • I need to purchase equipment, am I eligible?

Purchasing equipment alone does not qualify as a project. However, if the equipment is necessary for implementing the project, it is eligible for funding.

  • Can I pay for suppliers before the application?

Payments can only be made during the eligible timeframe stated on the grant agreement of the grant.

  • Can I pay suppliers in cash?

Cash payments are allowed up to €100 of the entire project.

  • Can I fundraise as part of the project?

Fundraising activities can be organised as separate events outside of the main project. These events aim to raise funds that can be used to support the organisation’s financial needs, including contributing to the co-financing requirement of the project. Such fundraising efforts are not considered part of the project itself.

  • I’m organising an event as part of the project; can I charge an entry fee?

Participants cannot be charged to partake in events relating to the project.

  • Can I create a product and sell it?

Items or services funded by the project cannot be sold, used for fundraising events, or charged for entry, registration, or any other fees.

  • What does a sustainable project mean?

A sustainable project ensures that its benefits continue after the initial grant expires. The organisation must develop a strategy to sustain project deliverables and benefits for at least two years after the funding period ends.

  • What does an innovative project mean?

An innovative project introduces new ideas, methods, or technologies in novel ways. It typically involves:

  • Originality: Introducing new concepts or approaches distinct from existing solutions.
  • Creativity: Applying imaginative thinking to address problems or seize opportunities uniquely.
  • Advancement: Pushing boundaries and advancing knowledge or practice in its field.
  • Problem-Solving: Providing effective solutions to existing challenges using innovative techniques.

Civil Society Fund (CSF)

  • What is an umbrella organisation?

For an eligible CSF application, both Measure 1 and Measure 2 must be in collaboration with a European or International Umbrella Organisation. An umbrella organisation is a central entity that oversees, coordinates, and supports a group of affiliated organisations or entities.

  • What period is eligible for a call in a given year?

The call covers affiliation payments and/or activities carried out from 1st of July of the previous year until the 30th of June of the same year of application. For example, the 2025 call for applications will cover affiliation payments and/or activities carried out from the 1st of July 2024 until the 30th of June 2025.

  • How does the reimbursement work and will I be fully refunded?

The CSF provides financial contributions up to 80% of the total eligible costs, with a maximum reimbursement of €6,000 per organisation. For instance, if the total project cost is €7,500, the reimbursement would be €6,000, and the co-financing required from the organisation would be €1,500. The final amount awarded is subject to the availability of funds. The CSF Evaluation Committee may decide to allocate less than 80% to each e-application to support a substantial total of eligible applicants.

  • Can I apply several times in the same year?

Each voluntary organisation can submit one application per year.

  • What is the evaluation process?

The CSF Evaluation Committee assesses applications based on eligibility and selection criteria. Applications will be reviewed to ensure that the applicant meets the requirements:

  • The applicant meets all requirements.
  • The e-application form is fully completed and submitted by the deadline.
  • All required supporting documents are provided in PDF format with the application. If applicable, original documents must be sent by post to the Volunteers Centre in Valletta.

Applicants with incomplete submissions will be notified and must submit the missing documents within 5 working days; otherwise, the application will be deemed ineligible.

  • What does the timeline for payments look like?

Upon approval of the proposal, the full grant amount will be paid out, provided that proof of expenditure for the total amount is submitted in full and by the deadline. The grant will not exceed 80% of the eligible expenses incurred, up to a maximum of €6,000.

NGO Co-Financing Fund (NCF)

  • Do I have to have an approved EU fund to apply?
  • Applicant must have successfully obtained funding or are partners for an EU project, for which the VO must cover its own financial contribution from the projects total eligible value.
  • Does the project have to be finalised, or can it be on-going?

The project can be completed, ongoing, or not yet started. However, at the application stage, the Voluntary Organisation must provide a Project Approval Letter issued by the Competent Authority.

  • Is it first come first served?

Yes, applications submitted in full (together with the correct documentation) are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis until funds are exhausted. Applications submitted after the funds are exhausted will not be taken into consideration.

  • What EU funds are eligible?

Eligible EU funds include those from the EU institutions, EEA Grants, Norway Grants, bilateral agreements (including the Swiss Maltese Cooperation Programme) and the Council of Europe.

  • What is co-financing?

Co-financing refers to the requirement that projects must have an element of funding which will be financed by the VOs from their own sources. Projects fully funded by EU institutions are ineligible.

  • Can the co-financing element exceed €15,000?

The co-financing element of the total project costs can exceed €15,000. However, the maximum amount that can be granted per VO, per project, per year, through the NCF is capped at €15,000.

  • What does the timeline for payments look like?
    • A pre-financing payment of 50% of the estimated maximum grant amount will be transferred to the beneficiary within 60 days of signing the agreement.
    • The final payment will be determined following the necessary checks.  If the actual eligible costs are lower than the pre-financing payment, the beneficiary must refund the excess.

Grants to projects may also be awarded to projects that have already been completed.  In such cases, following the necessary checks, the initial payment will be on a one-time, full, and final payment.

General Funding

  • How many funds can I apply for per year, and can I apply twice for the same fund?

Each registered and compliant Voluntary Organisation (with OCVO at time of application) can submit one application form per funding line per year

  • Can I get funding for day-to-day expense and running costs such as salaries?

MCVS does not fund running costs or day-to-day expenses such as salaries.

  • I’ve never applied for funding before; can I still apply?

First- time applicants are eligible to apply. It is recommended to attend information sessions for each funding line to ensure the proposal meets the eligibility criteria.

  • I’m receiving funding from Agenzija Zghazagh and/or the Arts Council, can I still apply for MCVS funds?

You can apply for MCVS funds even if you are receiving funds from other sources like Agenzija Zghazagh or the Arts Council, provided that the funds are for different projects or expenses. Applying for the same project or expense under multiple funding lines constitutes as double funding.

  • What is double funding?

Double funding refers to receiving payment more than once for the same project or expense using public funds.

  • Can I complement the funds with other private funding?

Yes, you can complement MCVS funds with private funding, which is considered co-financing.

  • Do I need a dedicated VO bank account?

A dedicated bank account in the name of the registered Voluntary Organisation is required for receiving payments. Payments cannot be made to personal or business accounts.

  • What does the timeline for payments look like?

Payments are issued within 90 days of the correct submission of all required documents and reports, including quarterly, interim, or final reports, depending on the fund.

Training Initiatives Scheme

  • What countries are eligible for training abroad? – countries listed in the per diem sheet are all eligible for training abroad
  • Can I send a group abroad? – For training abroad you need to apply under the P1 which is the individual training, limiting the reimbursement to €1500. As for group training, the trainer can come to Malta and provide the training to a group of people here.
  • Are travel and accommodation costs covered? As for P1 (individual training) flights are reimbursed separately upon receiving receipt and proof of payment and boarding passes. Accommodation, and other travel related expenses (transport, food) are part of the per diem. For P2, flights and accommodation are reimbursed upon receiving boarding passes, receipts, and proof of payments. Taxis are not covered under P2 unless given a relevant reasoning (such as public transport not available after certain hours)

In both instances, if the payment exceeds €500, Vo needs to provide 3 separate quotations.

  • What qualifies as an accredited institution or individual? Training can be done either by an individual or by an institution. In both cases, we will need proof that the institution or individual are competent for such training (for individual – CV is enough. For institution they usually provide the course details from the website)
  • Can I apply for two trainings? A VO can apply for both P1 (since individual is still applying under the Vos name) and P2.
  • What does the timeline for payments look like? 100% reimbursement is issued once the training has been completed and the VO has submitted all relevant documentation in a timely manner (up to 4 weeks after the training has been conducted)