J.O.Y.S Programme for Youth Volunteers

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector, in collaboration with Right 2 Smile, is launching a self-development programme – J.O.Y.S (Journey of Youth Self-Development), as part of its commitment towards the voluntary sector. This programme is targeted for youth volunteers who are actively helping out in the community and/or are involved with a voluntary organisation in Malta or Gozo.

Youth volunteers who decide to participate will benefit from:

  • My Journey: a 31-day self-development Journal
  • Monthly self-development workshops: workshops coordinated by youth workers revolving around mental health & self-development, with a focus on different themes for each month

September Session: Authenticity Workshop: Exploring Self and Building Bonds

  • Date – Saturday 30th September 2023
  • Meeting time – 13:30 – 15:30
  • Meeting location – MCVS Hall,  Volunteer Centre, 181, Melita Street, Valletta, VLT 1129, Malta https://goo.gl/maps/Bs3B5JbSXHdFTFQ57 

Youth volunteers who are interested to participate in the September session are invited to apply here: https://forms.gle/AFqEH3ukG5ajuKdt9 by not later than Wednesday 27th September.

For more information or queries please contact the Volunteer Support team on volunteer@maltacvs.org