VOs exempt from administrative fees related to bank accounts with BOV

For the past few months, the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations and the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector held discussions with Bank of Valletta in order to remove the administrative costs on bank accounts by Voluntary Organisations with the same bank.

With the intervention of the Minister for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights Hon. Julia Farrugia Portelli, in discussion with officials from Bank of Valletta, it was clarified that voluntary organisations registered with the Commissioner can communicate with their Bank branch where they can provide the registration number to be exempt from this payment as part of the social responsibility of the same Bank.

For more information and assistance, voluntary organisations can contact the office of the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector on telephone 2248 1110 or by email on vosupport@maltacvs.org.

Għaqdiet volontarji eżentati minn spejjeż amministrattivi fuq kontijiet bankarji mal-BOV

Għal dawn l-aħħar xhur, il-Kummissarju tal-Organizzazzjonijiet Volontarji u l-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat bdew diskussjonijiet mal-Bank of Valletta sabiex jitneħħew l-ispejjeż amministrattivi fuq il-kontijiet bankarji tal-għaqdiet volontarji mal-istess bank. 

Bl-intervent tal-Ministru għall-Inklużjoni, Volontarjat u Drittijiet tal-Konsumatur, l-Onor. Julia Farrugia Portelli f’diskussjoni ma’ uffiċjali mill-Bank of Valletta, ġie ċċarat illi l-għaqdiet volontarji rreġistrati mal-Kummissarju tal-Volontarjat jistgħu jikkomunikaw mal-fergħa tal-Bank tagħhom fejn jipprovdu n-numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni u jkunu eżentati minn dan il-ħlas bħala parti mir-responsabiltà soċjali tal-istess Bank.

Għal aktar informazzjoni u assistenza, l-għaqdiet volontarji jistgħu jikkomunikaw mal-uffiċċju tal-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat fuq it-telefon 2248 1110 jew fuq l-indirizz elettroniku vosupport@maltacvs.org.