Training Initiatives Scheme (TIS)


One of the main priorities of the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS) is to encourage Voluntary Organisations to invest in training and capacity building, of their members, volunteers and administrators focusing on strengthening the capability of Voluntary Organisations as part of the process of building the potential of voluntary organisations to respond to the needs of the community they serve. Through this approach organisational development aims to: (1) commit and improve management and technical skills through training (increasing knowledge), (2) change of operating procedures and/or restructuring within an organisation; (3) make the organisation effective and sustainable. Voluntary Organisations tend to be very adaptable to the societal trends leading to quick organisational growth and change. It is therefore important to ensure that there is sufficient capacity to implement changes within the organisation. This priority is aligned to the mission statement of MCVS stating:

“to support the development of a more effective and efficient voluntary and community sector in Malta and Gozo through the delivery of a range of support and capacity building services including information, advice and training.”

This can mainly be supported by providing Voluntary Organisations and volunteers with the resources and information they need, not only to do their specific volunteer position but also to be a bona fide member of the organization’s team, by setting aside time for training.

Many volunteers are charged with tasks that take a lot of understanding and knowledge to do properly.

Many times, well-meaning people will offer to help the organisation, but are lacking many of the skills the organisation needs most. In situations like these, when the organization needs many people with the same skills, the group might want to have some sort of formal training programme. While enthusiasm for the cause is fantastic, this enthusiasm needs to be gathered and focused to truly meet the organization’s objectives.

There is a lot of good work that can be done with minimal or no training. But the organisation that wants to grow and move forward doesn’t really have a choice; volunteer training is an absolute necessity and a necessary building block in organisational development.


The main objectives of the Training Initiatives Scheme (TIS) are to:

  1. Help volunteers improve their skills to undertake the voluntary work skillfully, ethically and efficiently establishing a minimum competency that all volunteers are expected to obtain.
  2. Provide volunteers with adequate skills that may be helpful on a personal level and contribute to their personal growth, lifelong learning and enhance their Curriculum Vitae (CV).
  3. Raise the level of professionalism in the services and initiatives implemented by Voluntary Organisations within the community.
  4. Promote active citizenship by fostering social inclusion and the active participation people from all walks of society.
  5. Promoting social inclusion and well-being, mainly through the empowerment and up-skilling of individuals.
  6. Raise awareness about Voluntary Organisations, their voluntary work and the Voluntary Sector in general.


Priority 1 – Individual Volunteers Training Programmes

Support for individual volunteers who form part of a Voluntary Organisation in one’s training which will be beneficial both to oneself, one’s Voluntary Organisation, to other Voluntary Organisations and to the community at large.

Priority 2 – Voluntary Organisations Training Programmes

Support for Voluntary Organisations in the organisation of training initiatives which are beneficial both to the same organisation, to other Voluntary Organisations and to the community at large.


Priority 1 – Eligibility for Individual Volunteers to participate in the Scheme

  1. This TIS allows volunteers active within a Voluntary Organisation, enrolled and compliant, with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations to participate in the Scheme and express their wish to participate in a specific training programme, both local and overseas.
  2. The training programme must be either related specifically to the work of the Voluntary Organisation in which one is active or related to volunteering in general.
  3. The training programme shall be delivered by a qualified organisation recognised in the specific field of training.
  4. The training programme shall be undertaken by not later than the 31st March 2021.
  5. The scheme shall cover 100% of the participation fee in the case of local training to a maximum of €300.
  6. In the case of training abroad the scheme shall cover 100% of the participation fee, travel and accommodation amounting to a maximum of €1000.
  7. On applying for the scheme the volunteer must provide proof of one’s participation in the Voluntary Organisation, experience in the field for which training is being requested and the competence to undertake such training.
  8. While more than one person per VO is eligible to apply in each call for applications, only one person per VO per call shall be able to benefit under this scheme.  In such case the individual ranking highest for a particular VO shall be granted the financial support under this scheme.  Should there be unutilised funds under a particular call, a second beneficiary from the same VO may be considered for financial support.
  9. The volunteer attending the training abroad has to present original proof of travelling certification (including tickets and hotel receipts), attendance certificate of the training and a detailed report of the training experience and copy of training material.  Submission of travelling proof – boarding passes is must.
  10. The volunteer attending the training programme may be requested by MCVS to participate in other training programmes or conferences organised by MCVS to deliver a workshop session or share one’s experience with other Voluntary Organisations.
  11. A volunteer may submit only one application per deadline and benefit of this priority only once every two calendar years.

Priority 2 – Eligibility for Voluntary Organisations to participate in the Scheme

  1. This Scheme allows Voluntary Organisations enrolled and compliant with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations to participate in the Scheme and express their wish to organise a specific training programme.
  2. The training programme must be either related specifically to the work of the Voluntary Organisation or related to volunteering in general.
  3. The training programme must be made accessible (a minimum of 25% of participants) to volunteers who are members of other enrolled VOs.
  4. The training programme shall be delivered by a qualified trainers recognised in the specific field of training.
  5. The training programme shall be undertaken by not later than the 31st March 2021.
  6. The TIS shall cover 100% of the organisational costs of the activity to a maximum of €3,000.
  7. On applying for the TIS the Voluntary Organisations must provide proof of its experience in the field for which training is being offered and the competence to undertake such training.
  8. While each VO is only eligible to benefit for the organisationin of only one activity under each call for applications, a VO may submit more than one application per call. The VO shall be granted financial support under this scheme for the highest ranking application.  Should there be unutilised funds under a particular call, a second activity from the same VO may be considered for financial support.
  9. The Voluntary Organisations organising the training may be requested to participate in other training programmes or Conferences organised by MCVS to deliver a workshop session or share it’s expertise with other VOs.
  10. The Voluntary Organisations has to present proof of all costs incurred by providing invoices, original receipts, and attendance sheets of participants together with a detailed report of the event. Photos, screen shots and samples of marketing material should be included as part of the report.
  11. A Voluntary Organisation can collect a fee from participants of the training course, as long as the fee collected only covers and balances training costs. No profit shall be made from Voluntary Organisations benefiting from TIS grants for their courses.
  12. A Voluntary Organisation may submit only one application per deadline and benefit of this priority only once every calendar year.

Full Guidelines, including Sample of Applications and Eligibility/Marking Criteria in the Annexes attached can be found in the following link:

TIS Guidelines 2020


For more information contact  Mr. Kevin Cassar on 22481115 or email