Voluntary Organisations are beneficiaries of various kinds of public funding, both funding lines administered by Government Entities/Agencies as well as European Union Funds. This page is dedicated to serve a dual purpose, to inform of Funding Opportunities for Voluntary Organisations and to inform of Funding Results.
Public Funds for Voluntary Organisations, both local and European, are to be managed according to the parameters established in the Voluntary Organisations Act Chapter 492 of 2007.
Aims of this Page:
- To create a one-stop-shop with regards to Funding Opportunities, informing Voluntary Organisations of the upcoming deadlines by the various Fund Operators.
- To inform of the Results of the same funding lines, publishing the name of the beneficiary Voluntary Organisation, the title of the project and its description, and the budget allocation.
- To establish a system of transparency and accountability on the distribution and managements of public funds for and by Voluntary Organisations.