EU Funding Assistance – Malta-EU Steering and Action Committee (MEUSAC)
EU Funding Assistance – Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta (SEM)
SEM provides personalised assistance and support to Local Councils and NGOs in the practical aspects related to EU Funding Opportunities.
Private Entities are also supported through dissemination of information. This is implemented through:
- One-to-one meetings with potential beneficiaries to discuss project proposals and identify EU funding possibilities
- Practical advice related to project planning and design whilst ensuring eligibility of projects in relation to the EU Funding Programmes being considered for financing
- Provision of specific technical assistance to help beneficiaries in drawing up funding applications
- Tailor-made hands-on information sessions for Local Councils and NGOs
- Dissemination of EU Funding information via email alerts
- Customer care help desk which caters for any queries on EU Funding opportunities
View the list of current open calls for EU funding opportunities:
For more information visit
Erasmus + Programme – European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA
The European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA), is a legal autonomous Agency established through the legal notice 128 of 2007. The Agency was formerly a unit within the Ministry of Education, Youth and Employment set up on the 4 May 2000. The aim of the EUPA has always been to support Maltese individuals and entities in availing themselves of funding under the various educational programmes provided by the European Commission. Yet the aim of the Agency is deeper than simply a financial contribution or sponsorship through which projects may be realised. During 2007 and 2013 the EUPA was responsible for the management of the decentralised action of former generations of EU programmes for education including the Youth in Action and Lifelong learning programmes.
The Agency acts as a link between the European Commission and project promoters both at national as well as the local level and promotes as well as manages EU projects of an educational nature, content or objective. The EUPA engages itself in initiatives that are consonant with the educational policies and strategies of the Ministry responsible for education.
For the current programming period (2014- 2020) the European Commission developed the new EU programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport under the name of Erasmus+. Programme decentralised actions are implemented at national level by a network of National Agencies. In Malta the National Agency responsible for the management of these actions is the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA).
Who can participate in the Erasmus+ Programme?
Individuals – students, apprentices, trainees, volunteers, young people, pupils, adult learners, teachers, professors, trainers, youth workers, professionals of organisations active in the fields of education, training and youth constitute the main target population of the Programme. However, the Programme reaches these individuals through organisations, institutions, bodies or groups that organise such activities. The conditions of access to the Programme therefore relate to these two actors: the “participants” (individuals participating in the Programme) and the “participating organisations” (in most cases, legally established organisations). For both participants and participating organisations, the conditions for participation depend on the country in which they are based.
Eligible Participants
As a general rule, participants in Erasmus+ projects must be living in a Programme Country. Some Actions in the field of higher education and youth are also open to participants from Partner Countries.
The specific conditions for participating in an Erasmus+ project depend on the type of Action concerned.
In general terms:
- For projects relevant for the field of higher education, the main targets are: higher education students (short cycle, first, second or third cycle), higher education teachers and professors, staff of higher education Institutions, trainers and professionals in enterprises.
- For projects relevant for the field of vocational education and training, the main targets are: apprentices and students in vocational education, professionals and trainers in vocational training, staff of initial vocational education organisations, trainers and professionals in enterprises.
- For projects relevant for the field of school education, the main targets are: pupils in pre-primary, primary and secondary education, school leaders, school teachers and school staff.
- For projects relevant for the field of adult education, the main targets are: learners in adult education, trainers, staff and members of adult education organisations.
- For projects relevant for the youth field the main targets are: young people from 13 to 30, youth workers, staff and members of organisations active in the youth field.
For information visit or send email to or contact Cynthia Misokova, Communications Manager, European Union Programmes Agency – EUPA, Continental Business Centre, Railway Road, Santa Venera, SVR 9018, MALTA, E-mail: or Tel: 25586130
Creative Europe Programme – Supporting Europe’s cultural and creative sectors
For information send email to
Life Programme – Environment
01 June 2015The LIFE programme launched two calls for proposals, underlining its commitment to supporting projects that protect the environment and tackle the impact of climate change.
The 2015 call for action grants for the LIFE programme was launched on 01 June 2015 and covers proposals for both environment and climate action sub-programmes. The total budget for project action grants for this call is €240 811 337. Of this amount, €184 141 337 has been allocated to project action grants for the sub-programme for environment and €56 670 000 has been allocated to the sub-programme for climate action. At least 55% of the environment allocation will be dedicated to projects supporting the conservation of nature and biodiversity.
The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) is responsible for managing the call for traditional projects and capacity building projects for the environment sub-programme and traditional projects, integrated projects, technical assistance and capacity building projects for the climate action sub-programme.
Traditional projects include best-practice, demonstration, pilot or information, awareness and dissemination projects. These are funded under one of three strands for the environment sub-programme (LIFE nature & biodiversity, LIFE environment & resource efficiency and LIFE environmental governance and information). For the sub-programme for climate action, traditional project strands are LIFE climate change mitigation, LIFE climate change adaptation and LIFE climate governance & information.
Capacity building projects are designed to provide financial support to activities required to build the capacity of Member States, including national or regional LIFE contact points, with a view to enabling more effective participation in the LIFE programme.
The three other new project types introduced under LIFE 2015-2020 are integrated projects, technical assistance projects and preparatory projects. For the sub-programme for environment these are managed by DG Environment’s LIFE Unit. For the sub-programme for climate action, EASME manages integrated, technical assistance and capacity building projects and DG CLIMA manages preparatory projects.
Public bodies, private commercial organisations and private non-commercial organisations (including NGOs) registered in the EU are eligible to apply for LIFE action grants. For further information, application forms and guidance documents go directly to the call page. See the calendar published on the call page for information on the closing date for applications for traditional projects.
NGO Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs)
The NGO Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) has been launched on 15 June 2015. This call for proposals aims at identifying framework partners to which the EASME may at a later stage award specific operating grants.
Those specific operating grants shall foresee co-financing of the operating costs of NGO’s related to the eligible activities provided for in the framework partners’ 2016 and 2017 Work Programme. The target are NGOs which pursue an aim of general Union interest, are primarily active in the field of environment and/or climate action and are involved in the development, implementation and enforcement of Union policy and legislation. This year’s call will address framework partnership agreements covering two years.
The indicative total budget earmarked for the co-financing of NGO operating grants is estimated at EUR 18,000,000.00 (eighteen million euros) for a two year period, i.e. 9,000,000.00 (nine million euros) yearly.
For information send email to
Horizon 2020 – The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Horizon 2020 is the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. It is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe’s global competitiveness. Horizon 2020 will run from 2014 to 2020, with circa €80 billion budgeted for its 7 years duration. This new programme aims to contribute to the creation of growth and jobs in Europe in response to the economic crisis and is expected to address peoples’ concerns about their livelihoods, safety and environment. In turn, this will strengthen the EU’s global position in research, innovation and technology.
What are the main characteristics of Horizon 2020?
Horizon 2020 combines three separate programmes: the Research Framework Programme (FP), innovation-related aspects of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Horizon 2020 has a number of key novelties that make it fit for purpose to promote growth and tackle societal challenges.
How is Horizon 2020 Structured?
Horizon 2020 will be composed of three main pillars, with mutually reinforcing priorities which have clear EU added value. These are:
- Excellent Science;
- Societal Challenges; and
- Industrial Leadership.
Why should you Participate in Horizon 2020?
Horizon 2020 provides a unique opportunity to share knowledge, experience and facilities across Europe.
- It finances your research idea.
- It increases your international networks and contacts, thus creating synergies and learning from an international arena of other excellent partners.
- It enables Research Institutions to gain a competitive edge through translational knowledge.
- It offers researchers the opportunity to tackle global research challenges.
- It offers individual researchers the chance to take advantage of development opportunities.
- It enables you to widen your field of expertise, which gives you access to new technologies.
- It helps you get your first pick at licensing patents since all knowledge generated by you during the project is yours!
For information visit or or send email to or or or
Europe for Citizens
The aim of this programme is
- To contribute to citizens’ understanding of the EU, its history and diversity
- To foster European citizenship and to improve conditions for civic and democratic participation at EU level
- To raise awareness of remembrance, common history and values
- To encourage democratic participation of citizens at EU level, by developing citizens’ understanding of the EU policy making-process and, by promoting opportunities for societal and intercultural engagement and volunteering at EU level.
For more information please contact Mr. Fabian Galea, Europe for Citizens Contact Point (ECP Malta), MHAL on Tel 22002335 or by email on
EaSI (Employment and Social Inclusion)
New programme
The European Parliament and the Council reached a political agreement on the EU programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) with a proposed budget of €815 million for the 2014-20 period.
EaSI will support Member States efforts in the design and implementation of employment and social reforms at European, national as well as regional and local levels by means of policy coordination, the identification, analysis and sharing of best practices.
EaSI integrates and extends the coverage of three existing programmes:
- Progress (Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity),
- EURES (European Employment Services)
- and the European Progress Microfinance Facility,
which will be allocated respectively 61%, 18% and 21% of the budget.
Together with the European Social Fund, the Fund for the European Aid for the most Deprived and the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, EaSI forms the fourth pillar of the EU Initiative for Employment and Social Inclusion 2014-2020.
The political agreement will follow the ordinary procedure and should be endorsed by the European Parliament and Council before the end of 2013 to allow the launching of EaSI in January 2014.
For information contact Jeremy Piscopo, EU Fund Manager MFSS on Tel: 25903533 or send email to
EU Aid Volunteers
The EU Aid Volunteers initiative brings together volunteers and organisations from different countries, in joint action, providing practical support in the provision of humanitarian aid and contributing to the strengthening of local capacity and resilience of disaster-affected communities.
Through the initiative 4 000 EU citizens will get the opportunity to do humanitarian work and help people caught up in crises. The initiative will also provide capacity building for 4 400 people from non-EU, disaster-affected countries and 10 000 online volunteering opportunities.
The EU Aid Volunteers initiative will:
- Offer opportunities to show solidarity with those who most need it,
- Provide professional support by well-prepared volunteers to people in need,
- Benefit local organisations with capacity-building measures.
Trained and well-prepared volunteers will be deployed as EU Aid Volunteers in humanitarian projects worldwide starting from 2016. Apprenticeship placements in the offices of European humanitarian organisation will be offered to provide additional training where needed.
An EU Aid Volunteers networking platform will be established to facilitate interaction and partnership building, dissemination of information, the exchange of good practices during and after deployment.
A number of pilot projects were launched by the European Commission’s partners between 2011 and 2014 in order to gain real experience during the preparation phase of the EU Aid Volunteers initiative. Following the pilot phase and the establishment of the legal base of the fully fledged EU Aid Volunteers initiative is completed.
The first call for proposals for the deployment of EU Aid Volunteers and capacity-building for implementing organisations is open and accepting project proposals from interested humanitarian organisations. The deadline for applications is 30 October 2015. For more information and other funding opportunities, visit the EU Aid Volunteers funding page.
For more information visit:
Med Programme
The MED transnational programme supports the sharing of experiences, knowledge, and the improvement of public policies between national, regional and local authorities and other territorial actors of eligible regions of the MED area. It includes 57 regions from 10 different EU countries (Malta, Italy, Spain, France, Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Portugal and the United Kingdom) and 3 candidate countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro). Its main purpose is to contribute towards the long term development of the Mediterranean area and to strengthen transnational cooperation between regions and participating countries. The programme, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), covers the following thematic objectives:
Strengthening research, technological development and innovation;
Supporting the shift toward a low-carbon economy in all sectors;
Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resources efficiency; and
Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders related to the implementation of the ERDF.
Local, regional and national authorities, intermediary bodies in charge of innovation and economic development, regional development agencies, Universities, research institutes, innovation centres and clusters, business support centres and agencies, technology intermediaries and technology / knowledge transfer institutions, public and public equivalent bodies dealing with innovation, industrial policy, SMEs and training, Chambers of commerce, business associations, platforms and economic operators;
National, regional and local authorities and agencies dealing with energy issues, energy agencies, research institutes for energy and low carbon technologies, public and private energy suppliers and association of users;
Local, regional and national authorities and agencies responsible for energy resources, local, regional and national authorities and the competent agencies responsible for transport, mobility management and spatial development, research institutes for transport and mobility issues, developers and providers of transport information systems, public and private operators, public and private transport organisation and companies and NGOs;
Economic development and tourism departments of local, regional and national authorities, environment agencies, intermediary bodies involved in territorial development processes as well as research centres;
Environment departments of local, regional and national authorities as well as protected areas’ management organisations;
For information send email to
Asylum and Migration Fund
The Asylum and Migration Fund aims to contribute to an effective management of migration flows in the European Union. This fund aims to draw on the capacity building process developed with the assistance of the European Refugee Fund, the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals and the European Return Fund.
The objective of this fund is to strengthen and develop the Common European Asylum System, to support legal migration to the EU in line with the economic and social needs of Member States and promote the effective integration of third-country nationals, including of asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection. It also aims to enhance fair and effective return strategies in the Member States with emphasis on sustainability of return and effective readmission in the countries of origin and to enhance the solidarity and responsibility sharing between the Member States, in particular towards those most affected by migration and asylum flows.
The Funds and Programmes Division is the Managing Authority responsible for these funds.
For more information visit click here or send email to
EEA Grants
What are the EEA Funds for Non-Governmental Organisations?
Objective – Strengthened civil society development and enhanced contribution to social justice, democracy and sustainable development.
What are the priority areas?
- Democracy, Equality and Human Rights
- Social Inequalities and Services
- Environment and Climate Change
At least 10% of the total programme allocation shall be allocated to children or youth driven activities targeting children and youth.
Key Activities – The NGO Programmes Channel Funding is there to support activities such as fostering active citizenship, advocacy, watchdog and monitoring activities, promoting multi-cultural dialogue and awareness raising. Provision of basic services to vulnerable groups is also considered.
A specific emphasis is placed on capacity building of the NGO sector itself. Partnerships between NGOs in donor and beneficiary countries are encouraged.
Who is Operating the NGO Programme in Malta?
SOS Malta has been appointed Fund Operator for the NGO Programme Malta. SOS Malta is a registered Voluntary Organisation (No. 033). SOS Malta works with local and international organisations to assist socially disadvantaged groups in improving their quality of life. SOS Malta is built upon 4 pillars: Overseas Development; Social Integration; Research and Training; Volunteering.
For more information visit website or send email to