Association for Reality Therapy – Malta

ART-M stands to promote well-being, inspire inclusion, peace, joy and quality in the world with Choice Theory Psychology (CTP). ART-M aims to promote this vision through the understanding and application of Choice Theory Psychology across all levels of society. Promoting the development and training of Choice Theory Beliefs, concepts and principles. It accepts Choice Theory as the basis on which the psychotherapy modality – Reality Therapy stands. ART-M accepts, upholds and shares Choice Theory in all its services and interactions both individually and as an Association with the aim to enhance well-being in any sphere of life particularly where human relationships are involved with specific focus on education, psychology, psychotherapy, counselling, lead management and the promotion of quality school ideas as developed by William Glasser, the William Glasser Institute International, The European Institute for Reality therapy and The European Association for Reality Therapy.

• To provide, organise, coordinate and oversee Choice Theory services in the form of information
meetings/focus/therapy groups, CTRT courses, training practices and supervision using Choice
Theory Psychology/Reality Therapy and its applications;
• To maintain high standards of training and practice using Choice Theory Psychology, Reality
Therapy and its applications;
• To educate the general public and professionals from any field on Choice Theory Psychology and to support anyone who wishes to embark in training to progress in Choice theory and Reality Therapy practices.
• To support members in their practice of Choice Theory Psychology, Reality Therapy and its applications;
• To promote and present the interests of the Association’s members to the notice of local administrations and authorities, international Associations and other authorities;
• To form part of any national/international Organisation/s or Associations whose aims are similar to that of this Association;
• To encourage and promote dialogue, research and similar platforms with the aim to develop further the understanding and functions of Choice theory Psychology/Reality Therapy ;
• To do all that which is ancillary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.

Organisation Details



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Organisation Address


c/o 4a, Triq l-Għerien il-Ħida

Town / City



MLH 5391

Malta / Ghawdex


Contact Details

Admin email