Generation (Change?)

Generation (Change?) is an organisation led by youth workers and young people with the primary aim of creating a platform for young people to find their voice, express themselves and unite against injustice and inequality within the community and beyond. Generation (Change?) understands the importance of young people being able to confidently use their voices to enact positive social change throughout society. As a result, the organization would like to achieve these aims by using non-formal and project-based education as a means to work with young people from different backgrounds to develop their life skills. The target group are all young people however emphasize will be on the challenging and socially deprived. The philosophy of Generation (change)? is that in the more diverse the group of young people is the more there is opportunity of learning. The age bracket is also wide to include as much as possible different experiences of young people. The organisation does not distinguish between gender, religious beliefs or political opinions, disability, race or ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation, age or any other criteria which could be discriminatory or divisive. The organisation conducts various awareness programmes on sexual health, environment, wellbeing and creativity projects such as shadow puppetry. Currently, the organisation is conducting a project based boat restoration project called “all hands on deck”, were young people are meeting together for this project to gain life skill together with vocational skills. The project is conducted together with the local community of the inner harbour area. The idea is that this project will be an ongoing project and after each summer the young people will conduct maintenance on the boat. During summer the local community will pass maritime skills to the young people, while during winter the young people will gain vocational skills together with the ongoing life skills. Generation (change)? collaborates and works with other organisations and educational institutions.

Organisation Details

VO No.


Is it a branch?


Organisation Address


19, Emanuel, Triq Balbi

Town / City



MRS 1810

Malta / Ghawdex


Contact Details

Contact Person

Christian Mizzi





Public email

Board Details

No. of Board Members



Existing statute
