Intelligent Transport System – Malta (ITS Malta)

The aim of the organisation is to promote the benefits of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), their faster development and wider deployment for a safer, more efficient and more sustainable transport. The objective is also to enhance the awareness, information and education on the traffic management, parking and intelligent transport planning and systems. With other associates we encourage safety on our roads in full accordance with the driving rules regulations to reduce accidents especially mortality and intelligent planning and driving. It is our obligation to develop better drivers and safety on the islands.  With the help of membership, education projects and European Projects our organization has enough material to furnish younger generation to achieve better driving standards. On the other hand with improvement and updating of regulations providing information is the only success key to motorists.


Membership and education projects contributes are essential to fund our main office so that it can operate and organize meetings on regular basis.

ITS Malta is working for a better sustainability mobility through a better management of traffic on using existing Infrustracture. At the moment in Malta is undergoing a good number of projects improving road safety. Notwithstanding, this can be done with a better information to help road users to reroute their journey to avoid dense traffic congestions.


Organisation Details

VO No.


Is it a branch?


Branch name

part of ITS International

Organisation Address


Class Court A, Flat 1, Danny Cremona Street

Town / City



HMR 1514

Malta / Ghawdex


Contact Details

VO Telephone Number


Admin email


Public listing
