Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta (Kopin)

Kopin works for human rights and children’s rights with the aim to empower its beneficiaries as key agents for social change and advancement.  We work in three interconnected fields:  international sustainable development cooperation, refugee support and education.

Set up in mid-2000, Kopin is one of the few professional NGOs working in the human rights field in Malta. The organisation is supervised by a Board of currently six members, managed by an executive team, has five employees and around 20 volunteers and members.

Kopin’s team is made up of professionals with diverse backgrounds providing an innovative package of services – Kopin supports marginalised communities where other institutions struggle and provides its services in a sustainable way, is a main provider of Development Education in Malta and one of the few Maltese entities focusing on children’s rights. The organisation is a partner of over 100 institutions in Malta, across Europe and East Africa, ranging from NGOs to migrant-led organisations, ministries, local authorities, universities and international organisations.

Kopin is an active member of several national and international networks: Kopin is a founding member of SKOP, the National Platform of Development NGOs, and coordinates SKOP’s Development Education and AidWatch Working Groups. It is the strategic partner of the Terre des Hommes International Federation (TdHIF) in Malta and a steering group member & Euro-Med regional coordinator of the Destination Unknown Campaign. Kopin is also a member of the Malta Refugee Council and the Maltese Focal Point for Social Watch and Eurodad.



We envision an equitable, diverse and sustainable society, where everyone is empowered to take care of our planet and its people.


Our Mission is to empower diverse communities in reaching their full potential, making informed choices and engaging in concrete actions in order to achieve global social justice together, by:

  • Advocating for sustainable development;
  • Providing activities and services to diverse communities in Malta and abroad, with a focus on children and youth;
  • Promoting and providing global education;
  • Building capacities of our members, partners and volunteers;
  • Monitoring and engaging in political processes.


We adopt a human rights and participatory approach, we exchange ideas and expertise with our partners and seek to be innovative.

Organisation Details



VO No.


Is it a branch?


Organisation Address


195, Suite 2b, Naxxar Road

Town / City

San Ġwann


SGN 9031

Malta / Ghawdex


Contact Details

VO Telephone Number

+356 27567460

Admin email


Public email


