Ta’ Klula Foundation

The main aim of the Foundation is to provide, organise and administer programme and events both in Malta and abroad, in order to: – Promote the Community of Santa Lucija, Gozo – Renew the traditions and old habits of the Community of Santa Lucija, Gozo – Keep the culture and habits of the community alive […]

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Kaccaturi San Ubertu

Kaccaturi San Ubertu (Saint Hubert Hunters) KSU is a group of Maltese hunters governed by a strict code of conduct. Founded on March 14, 1996 its aim is to promote sustainable hunting in the Maltese islands in line with EU Directives. It practices a policy of zero tolerance towards any illegalities and vets all of […]

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Cross Culture International Foundation

Cross Culture International Foundation (CCIF Malta), works toward the prevention and elimination of trafficking in persons through awareness raising, direct service coordination, capacity building and collaboration with key stakeholders. We provide services that enhance international understanding, integration and inclusion. CCIF promotes volunteering for sustainable development. We work with youths coming from diverse backgrounds, and endeavour […]

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L-Għanja tal-Poplu

L-għanijiet tal-Għanja tal-Poplu (a) li jġib ’il quddiem il-kanzunetta Maltija ta’ kwalità; (b) li joħloq opportunità biex il-kompożituri u l-awturi jwasslu l-kanzunetta tagħhom lill-pubbliku Malti; (ċ) li jkompli jgħin lill-artisti Maltin anke wara l-festival biex isibu udjenza dejjem ikbar għall-kanzunetta tagħhom. […]

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St John Malta Association

St John Malta is a voluntary organisation working across the Maltese Islands to provide quality first aid training together with first aid and rescue services to the population by our fully trained volunteers. Our vision is to prevent injury and save lives by extending first aid and emergency rescue – training and services – to […]

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The Gaia Foundation

Environmental and coastal management, management of Natura 2000 sites, management of 2 Blue Flag beaches, Ghajn Tuffieha in Malta and Ramla l-Hamra in Gozo. Propagation of indigenous and endemic trees in the Foundation’s nursery. Promotion of holistic living […]

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