The Foundation is a non-profit making organisation established for the following purposes and objects:
To advance the education in the sport of sailing of young people by the provision of support assistance and encouragement (so as to enable them to fulfil their potential); To advance the education, development and improvement of young people (mainly) through the provision of sailing programmes so as to develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible citizens;
The advancement of education in the field of sports leadership and training in the context of the sport of sailing;
To promote such other purposes being exclusively charitable as the directors may from time to time determine;
To fund projects and initiatives promoting and supporting the sport of sailing of young people and their advancement; and
To assist and support young people in their endeavours to attend and compete at the Olympic Games or other such national and international competitions.
Notwithstanding that the Foundation is a non-profit making organisation, the Foundation is authorised and entitled to carry out activities and undertakings for the purposes of funding the implementation and furtherance of its aims and objectives.