
The name is an amalgamation of two words, one Semitic written in old Maltese ‘ Xirca’, meaning society or confraternity, and the other ‘ Cammini’, derived from Italian, meaning ‘Walks’. XirCammini is a voluntary, non-profit making, non-denominational and non-sectarian membership-based organisation, open to all who support its aims, whose primary and over-riding objects are to research and advance knowledge and education about and generate interest in pilgrimages and/or faith travel focusing mainly on the ancient routes in Europe.

To achieve its objectives XirCammini is open not only to those who have already undertaken a Camino, but welcomes as members all who are interested in its aims and activities.

Walks such as the Camino de Santiago, Magna Via Francigena (or Iter Francorum) and others unify the cultural and historical heritage of Europe. There are some 50 other historic pilgrim routes in around 20 countries across continental Europe and the Mediterranean and as far North as the Hanseatic and Baltic states, developed as early as the Medieval Era The countries include Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, England, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Scotland, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Wales,. Many of these have been revived in more recent history.

The ancient Christian world in the East Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa as well as pilgrim trails elsewhere internationally will be future areas of focus for XirCammini. XirCammini is developing affiliation with like-minded associations overseas to facilitate interaction between trekking communities involved in historical faith walks mainly through shared trekking and social events.

We also endeavour to provide practical information and guidance on trekking or about specific walking routes and to support inquiries from individual and groups – even non members – wishing to pursue a pilgrimage.

Organisation Details

Alson know as




VO No.


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Organisation Address


224 Triq Ta' Xmiexi

Town / City




Malta / Ghawdex


Contact Details

VO Telephone Number


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