Volunteer Organisations Coordinators Training 2015 Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms...) Family Name First Name Function I.D. Card no. Name of Voluntary Organisation (VO) VO Reg. n° Address - Street Name and Number Post Code Town/City Telephone n° Mobile n° E-mail Web site VO Contact Person Members of Enrolled VOs attend for free. Members of Non-Enrolled VOs pay an attendance fee of €20.00. Dates: Refer to Training Program (below) Place: Volunteer Centre, Melita Street, Valletta VLT 1129 Below is the list of Training Courses being organised. Please indicate next to the course/s you wish to participate. 1.Legal Obligations & Implications of a VO - 26/09/2016 @ 9:30am2.Fundraising Practice, Fundraising Strategy & Event Management - 21/10/2016 @ 6pm3. Accessing EU & Local Funding - 31/10/2016 @ 9.30am4.Finance - 10/11/2016 @ 6pm5.Finance - 28/11/2016 @ 9:30am6.Proposal Writing & Budgeting: Developing Skills - 14/01/2016 @ 6pm7.Fundraising Practice, Fundraising Strategy & Event Management - 30/01/2016 @ 9.30am8.Designing and Managing Fixed Term Projects in VO’s - 11/02/2016 @ 6pm9.Strategic Volunteer Management - 17/02/2016 @ 6pm10.Strategic Volunteer Management - 27/02/2016 @ 9.30am11. Personal Power in Leadership: Creating the Climate for success - 10/03/2016 @ 6pm12.Proposal Writing & Budgeting: Developing Skills - 26/03/2016 @ 9.30am13.Communications & Campaigning - 04/14/2016 @ 6pm14.Designing and Managing Fixed Term Projects in VO’s - 30/04/2016 @ 9.30am15.Legal Obligations & Implications of a VO’s - 12/05/2016 @ 6pm16.Personal Power in Leadership: Creating the Climate for Success - 28/05/2016 @ 9.30am17.Accessing EU & Local Funding - 09/06/2016 @ 6pm18.Communications & Campaigning - 25/06/2016 @ 9.30am Note that places are limited for every training session and thus confirmation is done on a first come first served basis. Δ