The Youth Voluntary Service aims to support young people taking an active part in Voluntary Organisations.
The first goal of the scheme is to help young people improve their skills and prospects by giving them an opportunity to take up volunteering as part of their non-formal and informal learning process. It will also enable them to discover the value of voluntary service and help them to foster a sense of community and active citizenship.
The second goal of the scheme is to support Voluntary Organisations in attracting young people to volunteering, enabling them to enhance their capacity with new volunteers and fresh ideas.
Local Programme
Youths between the ages of 15-30 (post-secondary) can apply for placements of 1-6 months with local Voluntary Organisations under the Youth Voluntary Service whilst benefitting from a stipend.
Voluntary Organisations can submit their Host Application at any point in time to become Host Voluntary Organisations. The call will be kept open throughout the year. Voluntary Organisations must be registered and compliant with the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations to be eligible for accreditation. Voluntary organisations may apply to host a number of local Youth Volunteers per calendar year. It is suggested that a voluntary organisation hosts up to 4 youth volunteers per year. Should a Voluntary Organisation wish to host more than the indicated number, the VO may express such interest and the request would be considered should there be a number of Youth Volunteers who still need placements following the take up by other Voluntary Organisations or should there be a number of Youth Volunteers who would specifically wish to work in that particular sector.
Once approved, accreditation is valid for one calendar year, though the MCVS reserves the right to revoke the accreditation during the agreed period, if there are reasonable grounds for doing so. An accredited Host Voluntary Organisation must renew its interest to participate in the scheme each new calendar year.
Overseas Programme
The YVS – Overseas Programme supports young people who would like to carry out international volunteer service outside of Europe, by taking part in overseas voluntary work experiences coordinated by locally registered Voluntary Organisations. The Overseas Scheme is a unique opportunity for young people to come into contact with cultures, different than their own, and to acquire new skills and abilities that are useful for their personal and professional growth.
Youth Volunteers must be between 18 and 30 years of age. The duration of the overseas voluntary work experience must be between 2 weeks and 3 months. Each volunteer may only benefit from the scheme once in a particular calendar year and not more than twice overall. Host Voluntary Organisation approval is awarded on a project-by-project basis. The Host Voluntary Organisation must be registered and compliant with the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Originations and must have a minimum of 5 years’ experience of managing projects and volunteers overseas. The Host Voluntary Organisation may host up to four (4) Youth Volunteers per project and eight (8) Youth Volunteers per year (divided between different projects).
Resources for Host Voluntary Organisations
VO Guidelines
VO Guidelines – Youth Voluntary Service
VO Application – YVS Local Programme
Voluntary Organisations are to submit a Host Application to be deemed an eligible Host organisation for the present calendar year.
Applications – YVS Overseas Programme
Voluntary Organisations are to submit both Host Application as well as Youth Application below.
Resources for Youth Volunteers
Info-pack and Task Journal
YVS – Youth Volunteer Journal
Youth Application – YVS Local Programme
Youths interested in volunteering with a local organisation, under the Youth Voluntary Service may submit their application through the link provided below.