Soċjetà Filarmonika Vilhena AD 1874

Club’s history dated to 1874, provides mainly service to its members. Weekly musical lessons for brass, wood and and string instruments. Also two large hall offer a variety of exhibits to all visitors such as book library, music library, chapel, tapestries, antique statues and religious artefacts.  Main hall is equipped with kitchenette and toilets mainly […]

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Write Deal Association

Raise public and political awareness on social and environmental issues through its audio-visual productions and work. Encourage and enhance the talent of local Maltese audio-visual artists (script-writers, directors, producers, animators, illustrators, composers, editors, sound-effects) and others. Educate and cultivate its members’ talents by supporting them in training in their relevant fields. Support the Maltese language […]

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Arsha Our

We’re a legally registered non-profit organisation and federation working at the interstices of art and technology, especially sound art, new media, experimental and contemporary music. We’re based in Malta and organise concerts, events, training and other things we and our public find interesting. […]

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