Teatru Salesjan

The Teatru Salesjan, which has been in operation since 1908, forms part of the Salesian Oratory, a non profit organization providing educational opportunities for the development of young people. The theatre complex is a formative, family oriented environment for young people to develop their creative and communicative skills and appreciation for the arts through dialogue, […]

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Troupe 18:45

Founded in 2009 by Roderick Vassallo, Shirley Blake and Neil Falzon, Troupe 18:45 is a voluntary organisation whose mission statement is to provide an enriching theatrical experience aimed at educating and entertaining our audience. We want our plays to be a conversation with our audience, tackling issues of social, cultural and political relevance whilst allowing […]

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The New Choral Singers

3.1 The Choir has the following objects: a) To promote, improve and develop public appreciation of the art of music in all its aspects by the presentation to the public of choral and orchestral concerts and recitals, and by such other means as the Choir may decide upon from time to time; b) To promote […]

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Choir and band performing music of all styles in a professional way using voice and breath techniques. Development of talented singers and musicians. […]

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