The Malta Numismatic Society

The Malta Numismatic Society is a non profit organisation founded in 2020 and includes as its members numismatic academics such as John Gatt and Emanuel Azzopardi. The scope of the society is to encourage and promote the study and collection of numismatics and exonumia, namely but not limited to coins from antiquity until the present day, […]

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Deloitte Foundation

The Deloitte Foundation is established to promote and serve the general public interest, through the furtherance of the following social purposes: the promotion and advancement of quality education; the promotion and advancement of environmental sustainability; the promotion and protection of cultural heritage; the alleviation of social cases; and the promotion and protection of animal welfare. […]

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Happy Parenting – Malta (for Happier Children)

HP-M Happy Parenting – Malta hija assoċjazzjoni mhux governattiva li ġiet reġistrata mal-Kummissjoni għall-Għaqdiet Voluntarji fl-aħħar ta’ Novembru li għadda. L-għan tal-Għaqda hu li sservi ta’ prevenzjoni, sapport, konsulenza, tagħmel rakkomandazzjonijiiet lill-awtoritajiet u twassal tagħrif dwar Parental Alienation lil diversi kategoriji ta’ nies, inkluż lill-ġenituri, professjonisti fil-Ħarsien Soċjali bħal social workers, psikologi, psikjatri, uffiċjali tal-ġudikatura: […]

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Mission4Changes is a voluntary organisation which brings together different professions for the sake of meeting existing needs in Maltese related communities in the lands of the Missions. Another primary function is to promote and renew the local interest in Missionary work and extend the interest overseas. Our charisma is to lead communities supported by us […]

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Magna Żmien Foundation

To collect memories about Malta, the Maltese and the Maltese diaspora that are held on legacy analogue and digital audio–visual media formats (including sound, moving images, still images, and other material ephemera) by digitising and migrating this content for long term preservation and open access;  To record supporting information about this content through documentation and […]

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