Capacity Building Sessions – First Aid

UPDATE 3rd January 2024: These capacity building training sessions dedicated to First Aid are now fully booked. The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector is collaborating with First Responder Centre Malta to provide 2 training sessions dedicated to First Aid. Please find more details regarding the training below:  Content: > How to assist an injured or […]

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Ongoing works at Xewkija Volunteer Centre

MCVS visited works currently being carried out on the first One-Stop-Shop at Xewkija for Gozitan voluntary organisations. This initiative is a collaboration between the MCVS within the Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights, and the Ministry for Gozo. Information for VOs about use of these premises once launched will be provided in due […]

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MCVS conducting Quality of Service Customer Survey

From time to time, MCVS conducts this exercise so that volunteers and voluntary organisations can provide feedback on its services, including funds, training, and general support. This helps MCVS improve its services where needed and create new services according to the identified needs. Everyone who has had contact with or used the services of MCVS […]

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National Volunteer Award 2023 ceremony – winners announced

“Il-volontarjat jgħinna nibnu soċjetà iktar b’saħħitha” – Il-President ta’ Malta waqt il-Premju Nazzjonali għall-Volontarjat 2023 Il-President George Vella qal li fil-ħajja mgħaġġla tal-lum, tajjeb li nħarsu sew madwarna u naraw xi rwol jaqdi l-volontarjat, ħafna drabi fis-silenzju, b’nies li jifhmu u japprezzaw l-importanza li jagħtu lura lis-soċjetà. “Il-volontarjat kien, għadu u jibqa’ wieħed mill-pilastri ewlenin […]

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International Volunteer Day 2023

🎊🎉Today we’re celebrating International Volunteer Day 2023! ❤️ We are filled with immense gratitude and admiration for the selfless dedication of volunteers who make a positive impact on the lives of others. Your commitment to volunteering has not only touched the hearts of those you’ve helped but has also inspired a ripple effect of kindness […]

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The power of collective action: International Volunteer Day 2023

Today is the International Volunteer Day 2023! Every action, no matter how small, brings us a step closer to a fairer world. So, can you envision the world #IfEveryoneDid? More than one billion people volunteer globally for solidarity and humanity, for people and the planet. International Volunteer Day (IVD), 5 December, is an occasion to […]

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KA2 EGT Result 2: Quality Volunteering Guide

Another result of the KA2 project ‘European Grand Tour’ in which MCVS was a partner organisation: A QUALITY VOLUNTEERING GUIDE – a booklet with methods specifically adapted to favour the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities to ensure the highest possible quality of volunteering. In this booklet, VOs will find and learn more about […]

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