Closing of three VOPS Projects at the Valletta Volunteer Centre

On Friday the 22nd June 2018 the Hon. Dr. Clifton Grima, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sports and Voluntary Organisation in a ceremony at the Voluntary Centre in Valletta, in the presence of Mr Mauro Pace Parascandalo, Executive Director, MCVS, brought to a close three projects funded by the Voluntary Organisations Projects Scheme (VOPS). 

These projects were successfully implemented by SOS Malta, Malta Judo Foundation and Gozo Tourism Association.  Amongst them these voluntary organisations recieved the amount of €83,000.00.

The project managed by the Malta Judo Foundation had the aim of inclusion of several types of special needs children and youths in the participation of Judo training sessions with other athletes. The target groups will be youths and children with Social and Intellectual disorders, the visually impaired, and the disadvantaged.  To achieve MJF provided a 7 month online course for Judo coaches to give them the necessary specialised knowledge that is required. TV screen with CCTV equipment will allow parents and members of voluntary organisations associated with our target groups, to monitor and follow the children during training sessions and wall screen, chairs and sound system will provide a place for seminars and workshops.  The unique component of Judo for children in our target groups is the competition within themselves, not with others. Judo helps teach self-discipline and socialisation skills, and offers the opportunity of a better and healthier lifestyle.


The Gozo Tourism Association undertook a research focusing mainly on the owners of the tourist establishments, employees, students and other stakeholders that have a direct interest in the tourist industry on Gozo.  Previous studies carried out analysing the current tourism economic environment focused mainly on the establishments’ owners or managers, leaving out the primary industry stakeholder, being mainly the human resources element.  This element when analysed together with the views of business owners, will help the Gozo Tourism Association develop a holistic strategy towards the implementation of a long term action plan aimed at mitigating and addressing the brain drain that establishments within the sector are faced with.

The results of this study lead to further co-operation between the Gozo Tourism Association (NGO) and the Government entities, such as the Ministry for Gozo, The Ministry for Tourism, The Ministry for Education, The MTA, Jobs Plus and the  ITS .

The third project undertaken by Solidarity Overseas Service Malta (SOS Malta) in partnership with CORE PLATFORM Corporate Citizenship for responsible Enterprise Association has developed an innovative community based response to the needs of vulnerable elderly people to ensure a reduction of their social exclusion, whilst contributing to a reawakening of the spirit of self giving and active citizenship within the community through the development of a local volunteer scheme.  This project ensured vulnerable elderly and people with a physical disability feel more mobile and able to access health care and essential services, as well as engage in leisure and community activities. The scheme also utilised the existing the SOS Malta car and the wealth of volunteer management experience SOS Malta holds and contributed to the SOS Malta core pillar of work of social inclusion and solidarity with vulnerable groups. The proposed pilot project took place in Sliema and included 3 key elements: 1) The development of a local volunteer network of 20-30 volunteers to ensure a pool of support for the elderly; 2) The development of a community transport scheme to promote the mobility of the elderly and those with a disability; 3) The establishment of a local stakeholder network who support the implementation of the scheme.