The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector was awarded the Innovation and Technology in Active Ageing Award 2023 during the Active Ageing Awards 2023 organised by Active Ageing and Community Care, which event was under the patronage of H.E. the President of Malta Dr. George Vella.
The award is intended for initiatives helping seniors to close the digital divide, by learning how to confidently use and understand new technology and helps in the development of the innovation and technology sector for older adults, that are persons over 60 years of age. This award was received by MCVS for the work done through the project CLIVE – Combating Loneliness & Isolation with Volunteers in Europe. This project, which was funded under the European Solidarity Corps, was undertaken locally by the Volunteer Support Team, MCVS in partnership with CEV – Centre for European Volunteering.
Well done to all the MCVS team that worked on this project to receive this well deserved award which is another result of the professional service we strive for in favour of the community we support.