Following a call for nominations for the members of the Council for the Voluntary Sector issued on the 25th April 2014 the new Council was appointed for the term of office 1st July 2014 till the 30th June 2016.
The members forming this third term of the Council are Mr. Ian Azzopardi (Mission Fund), Ms Doris Bingley (National Council of Women), Ms Gertrude Buttigieg (Federation of Professional Associations), Dr. Noel Camilleri (Għaqda Każini tal-Banda), Mr. Nathan Farrugia (Inspire Foundation), Mr. Ryan Mercieca (Association for NGOs – Gozo), Ms Gemma Sirol (St. John Association) and Ms Claudia Taylor-East (SOS Malta).
In addition Prf. Kenneth Wain as Commissioner for the Voluntary Organisations holds the post of Deputy Chairperson of the Council (ex-ufficio) and Ms Romina Baldwin was appointed as representative of the Ministry for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties on the Council.
During the first meeting of the Council held on the 21st August 2014 Mr. Nathan Farrugia was elected as Chairperson of the Council for the coming term.