The NGO Co-Financing Fund (NCF) aims to support the Co-Financing obligations of Voluntary Organisations (VOs) benefitting from funding from EU institutions, EEA Grants, Norway Grants, Bilateral Agreements (including the Swiss Maltese Cooperation Programme), and the Council of Europe. The co-financing funds are intended to complement and not replace existing activities supported by EU funding. The NGO Co-Financing Fund shall not be considered as proof for co-financing when applying for EU Funded Projects. VOs applying need to be enrolled and compliant with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations.
The guidelines for NCF 2023 are published on the VO Funding Portal For more information on NCF 2023 contact: Ms Stephanie Micallef on 22481136 or email
This fund is managed and administered by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector within the Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights.