The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS) has just launched the Small Initiatives Support Scheme (SIS) 2024, which is designed to assist enrolled Voluntary Organisations (VOs) looking for funding on small projects that can make a real difference to their local communities.
The total budget for the SIS scheme being launched is €180,000, with an increase of €60,000 over the previous year which was set at €120,000. Each application submitted should be not less than €1,000 in its request for funding, and not more than €5,000 in Action 1 and not more than €4,000 in Action 2. Deadline for submission of applications is noon of Friday 7th July 2023.
Voluntary Organisations are therefore invited to develop their best applications by attending the aforementioned information sessions and consulting the guidelines including the priorities, which for this year are volunteering, poverty and social inclusion, education, arts, culture and sports, and research. As from this year, VOs can submit a project application for Action 1, which supports project-based initiatives, or for Action 2, which supports events and activities.
For more information and to apply, please access the SIS scheme on the portal HERE.
For details on information meetings and to register click HERE.