MCVS is requesting VOs if they are planning any initiative to be of support within their community, what type of services can be provided? These services may be services which the VO does not normally provide, but can be offered at this time within the community ex. provision of food supplies, support to elderly by phoning, provision of meals etc. If a VO intends to support in this area please communicate with us as we are coordinating such effort with the Local Councils Association on behalf of Local Councils so that we may coordinate better and prevent duplication of work.
MCVS is collaborating with the Local Councils Association together which, with the Regional Councils and the Local Councils, is leading an initiative to manage YouSafe Page which is a Community Support Platform created in view of the fast developments nationally related to the Covid19 pandemic. 68 Facebook Groups, are linked with the Page, one for each Local Council, managed and moderated independently by the respective Local Council team.
The Platform will enable the strong Local Councils’ team of over 500 people from employees and executives secretaries to elected councillors and mayors to keep in contact with their community at all times during the crisis. It will ensure that our elderly are not forgotten, our neighbours are safe, and that our communities stay in good health. YouSafe will create a dialogue between the Council and its residents, will energise the business community, Voluntary Organisations, civil society networks and individuals around particular ideas, initiatives and solution, to support communities to help each other. It will involve residents in quick decisions for the good of their communities.
MCVS is encouraging all VOs to participate in this initiate in a sense of communal collaboration.
YouSafe will be a valuable tool, when this is over, to rebuild our systems and output while being careful not to allow the virus to re-emerge in the process. It will accompany residents while they resume their normal lives.
It’s important to look ahead.
We are asking individuals, VOs, civil society groups, local businesses, schools and other educational organizations and programs to organise short sessions to keep in contact with their existing following and reach out to a larger audience. You can make a huge difference in people’s lives.
The campaign shall be officially launched on Facebook on Monday the 23rd March 2020.
But you can join now…
You may download the caption that you like most and post in on your Facebook Local Council Page with the following text;
Ask for HELP or offer HELP on Malta’s largest Community Support Platform. We are in this together.
1. Like our Page @yousafemalta
2. Go to Groups and choose your Council
3. Join your Community.