Women’s Rights Foundation

Women’s Rights Foundation (WRF) is a voluntary organisation committed to informing, educating and empowering women concerning their legal rights. WRF aims to achieve this by:- 1. protecting women’s rights through influencing laws, policy and practice, 2. preventing violence against women by raising public awareness and training 3. providing voluntary services to inform women and their […]

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To overcome the barriers that stop young people from being active and thus create the right environment to increase participation in sports and culture for the purpose of community development and social inclusion. […]

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The aim of the organisation is to provide a platform where young people can build their confidence, express their views freely and find a space for themselves via theatre art forms. We strive to include all ensuring that they discover a medium where they can communicate liberally and encounter mentors in all fields. This is […]

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Għaqda tal-Malti – Università

L-għanjiet tal-Għaqda huma li: – taħdem għall-għarfien sħiħ tal-ilsien Malti fl-oqsma kollha tal-ħajja u tal-kultura Maltin; – tqanqal interess u studji fil-lingwa u fil-letteratura Maltin, kemm fost l-istudenti tal-Università u ta’ istituzzjonijiet edukattivi oħra, kif ukoll fil-pubbliku inġenerali u fl-awtoritajiet; – tħaddem u tħarreġ kompetenzi u mezzi relevanti għall-oqsma letterarji u lingwistiċi tal-Malti; – tfakkar […]

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