KURA Association

L-ispirazzjoni ewlenija tal-Assoċjazzjoni hija li ġġib flimkien u tikkollabora ma’ għaqdiet non-governattivi u entijiet volontarji oħra ekkleżjali fi ħdan id-Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex li jaħdmu fil-qasam tal-ħarsien tad-drittijiet umani u tal-beni kulturali u soċjali tad-Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex. L-Assoċjazzjoni għandha dawn għanijiet: i. Tippromovi d-dritt għall-ħajja umana mill-bidu nett fil-ġuf sal-mewt naturali. ii. Tippromovi proġetti edukattivi u […]

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Hooked On Fishing Club Malta

Hooked On Fishing Club Malta shall be a non-political, non-ideological or religious Association, consisting of persons who have special interest in fishing and to help members improve their standards in the achievement of the excellence in their field. To improve and encourage the sport of angling giving special attention to fish conservation. To share knowledge […]

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Autism Parents Association

The Autism Parents Association (APA) is a non govermental association, designed to help and facilitate the process to families with children effected by Autism. APA has been set up, by parents of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. We currently have 168 families members in the association all of whom are parents of children with […]

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Saint Lazarus Foundation

The Saint Lazarus Foundation is a fully registered organisation as per the laws of Malta and Gozo with its offices in Zebbug, Malta, with other premises on the islands. It is the charitable arm of the Grand Priories of Malta and Gozo of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, an international chivalric organisation […]

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