Malta Maritime Law Association

The Malta Maritime Law Association (MMLA) was set up in 1994 with the aim of promoting the study and advancement of Maritime Law and its administration. The Association plays a key role in ensuring that the Maltese maritime legislative and regulatory infrastructure is constantly updated, amended and improved in order to enhance qualitative standards and […]

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Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju Għawdex Malta – Sezzjoni Ghajnsielem

Tahdem biex il-presepju jsib postu f’kull dar fil-Milied. Tlaqqa flimkien u tkabbar il-hbiberija fost id-dilettanti tal-presepju. Torganizza ‘lectures’ u korsjiet dwar l-istorja u l-bini tal-presepju. Ta’ kull sena torganizza wirja ta’ presepji u oggetti konnessi mieghu. To encourage the building of nativity cribs by families during Christmas. Brings together and enhances the friendship among crib […]

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Calypso Sub-Aqua Club

The club is a non-profit organization, meaning that all profits generated from activities organized by the Club are not distributed among the members but are saved for future investments. The main objectives are: •To promote the sport. •To encourage safe diving through proper training, experience and common sense. •To conserve the marine environment. •To organize […]

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Malta Youth Athletes Network

The organisation shall be set up as a membership body for youth athletes in Malta, in order to act as an independent voice for its members, to be their representative and to offer informational support to them. In addition, Malta Youth Athletes Network shall provide a platform for young athletes from different sporting backgrounds, to […]

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Outdoor Artists

Outdoor Artists is a non-profit organisation set up in October 2012. The organisation works on the promotion of culture and the arts. Such promotion is done by creating short artistic events around the islands and expose creativity to the general public. Our aim as an organisation is to expose creative writers, visual artists, musicians and […]

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Id-Dar tal-Providenza

Id-Dar tal-Providenza which takes its name and charism from the Gospel is primarily a residential organisation committed to empowering persons with disabilities in a family-like environment which enhances and maximises their abilities with a view to ensuring their full participation in society in accordance to the Gospel and the teaching of the Catholic Church. […]

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