Alive Charity Foundation

Alive Charity Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation funded by volunteer donations and contributions and pursuing charitable activities for the support of other charitable institutions, organisations and individual causes. Our aim is to raise the status of health awareness and scientific research thus investing in long term gains. Alive organises philanthropic activities in order to […]

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Għaqda Melita Banda San Ġużepp Imsida

Iċ-Ċirkolu u Soċjeta Filarmonika Melita ġiet imwaqqfa fl-Imsida, fl-10 ta’ Settembru 1922. Illum magħrufa bl-isem Għaqda Melita San Ġużepp. San Ġużepp huwa l-Patrun tagħha u għalhekk hija mqiegħda taħt il-ħarsien u l-Patronċinju tiegħu. L-iskopijiet ta’ l-Għaqda huma: It-tagħlim tal-arti mużikali. It-twaqqif u ż-żamma ta’ banda biex titkattar iżjed l-arti tal-mużika. Il-provediment ta’ dar fejn jiltaqgħu […]

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Għaqda Mużikali Imperial

The three main objectives that have inspired the activities of the Imperial Band Club ever since its formation can be described as follows: the promotion of musical activity in the village of Mellieħa; the stimulation of a developed sense of appreciation of the art of music; and the provision of a social centre where the […]

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