Write Deal Association

Raise public and political awareness on social and environmental issues through its audio-visual productions and work. Encourage and enhance the talent of local Maltese audio-visual artists (script-writers, directors, producers, animators, illustrators, composers, editors, sound-effects) and others. Educate and cultivate its members’ talents by supporting them in training in their relevant fields. Support the Maltese language […]

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Għaxaq Football Club Youth Nursery

L-iskopijiet ewlenija tal-għaqda huma dawn:   a) Li jinkoraġġixxi kull xorta ta’ sport u b’mod speċjali l-futbol.  b) It-tmexxija tat-tim jew timijiet biex jieħdu sehem fil-kompetizzjonijiet miżmuma mill-Youth Football Association. ħ c) It-tmexxija u l-amministrazzjoni tal-għaqda fil-post biswit il-ground fi Triq it-Telleritu, Ħal GĦaxaq, jew fi kwalunkwe post ieħor.  d) F’każ ta’ bdil fil-premises tal-klabb, dan […]

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Philosophy Sharing Foundation

a. to bring together Maltese philosophers, facilitate discussion of their ideas, and encourage their work; b. to promote philosophical investigation; c. to share philosophical ideas with the Maltese public; d. to assist the documentation, compilation, safe-keeping, and accessibility of the works of Maltese philosophers; e. to disseminate information on Maltese philosophers, their work and their […]

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Institute for the Research and Improvement of Social Sciences (IRISS)

The Institute for the Research and Improvement of Social Sciences (IRISS) has an exclusive focus on social sciences. IRISS’s main objectives are to: enhance knowledge through seminars, workshops and active participation in learning programmes; raise public awareness about the social sciences; encourage the advancement of scientific knowledge in the social sciences through scholarly breakthroughs; encourage […]

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