S.T.A.N.D. (Striving Towards Ability Not Disability)

S.T.A.N.D. (Is-Sehem Tagħna għall-Avvanz tan-Nies b’Diżabilità / Striving Towards Ability Not Disability) is a non-governmental organisation (V0365) that was set up over twenty years ago to help people with a disability integrate better in society.  We meet every week at Qawra to help these people socialize through games, drama, singing, crafts, cultural outings etc.   […]

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SKOP (Solidarjeta u Koperazzjoni)

to promote the just interests of the peoples of the South in key areas of Maltese and European policy; to promote the achievement of the United Nations’ target of 0.7% of GNP for Maltese official development aid; to promote, through development and global education, an understanding of the causes and a commitment to correcting, the […]

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Soċjeta Filarmonica La Vittoria AD 1907

Is-Soċjeta għandha dawn l-għanijiet u skopijiet prinċipali: Illi tanqal l-istudju u l-kultura tal-mużika; Illi toffri post għal-laqgħat u attiviitajiet soċjali, kulturali, sportivi, edukattivi, rikreattivi għas-Soċji u l-familji tagħhom kollha; Illi tipparteċipa fil-festa titulari ta’ Maria Bambina; Illi tippromwovi u tassisti fl-iżvilupp u l-avvanz soċjali u komunitarju. […]

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Malta Association Of Crohn’s & Colitis

MACC is a registered (VO/ 379) non-profit-making organisation which supports the needs of patients suffering from Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis. MACC aims to offer support and information to persons and relatives of persons suffering from Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, and to promote public awareness about these two chronic conditions. MACC strives to help patients […]

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